Saturday, February 22, 2020

Who is this "I" that cannot see?

Who is this "I" that cannot see?

Really ever ask yourself who are you?
Are you really that person a mirror has in view?
Do you really know what your internals are?
Or are you contents with a lid on in a jar?

So with this we must know to be in mind
A very interesting fact that in which to find
In ZEN* one does not seek or to be sought
I am not the one thinking, I am the one being thought 

Take a deeper look and look at who sees
It is not "I" that sees and it cannot be me
The essence that knows without knowing at all
Going by life quickly not interested but enthralled

So temporary that  we are in  the blink of our eyes
Drifting by like a cloud then into disappearing skies
Knowing that once we were here but no longer cannot be
What was the point all along in the you that I was suppose to know
But the you I did not see was me?

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sign me out tonight*

Sign me out tonight*

 This day begins with an open sky
Clouds no longer, forever passes by
What could be going on in eternity's field
All is moving forward nothing to yield

Going along taking things in stride
The gratitude I feel being good to be alive
This path leading to an open place
Black birds at the ready in that space

But my movement seems to make them alert
A few more steps they take off in spurts
All go into the open sky in my view
Emptiness into freedom they all go through

It is an art form that is called murmuration
The beauty of signature all in synchronization 
The harmony and symphony, masterpiece to the eye
What a wonder it could be in knowing how to fly

So now as the day came by so did it pass
A few hours into sunlight but it did not last 
Though the black birds in the sky made a spot
Their formation was very large but to the sky just a dot

But the impression it made was overpowering into the night
Almost seemed like a calling to the darkening of light
But as this day has now come to an end
Remember that tomorrow, this can all start over again

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

Look beyond and see*

Look beyond and see*

Eyes to look up and see forever is bound
Open to eternity in all the surround
Where blue meets dark in the evening night
Then turn back around to begin in the light

But is it not true that a canvas so blank to write
And to continue on with one sentence in its sight
Hence we then see the formation of clouds
In which the blank canvas is willing to allow

Then each droplet of moisture begins to be fluffy
To blanket from the sunlight and make huge pillows puffy
Eternity it only knows from formless to form now it's here
But only momentarily that it arrived and soon will disappear

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Winter's wrath is its path*

Winter's wrath is its path*

What will winter bring as it has in its features?
Treachery to take place in bad weather to Mother Nature?~
The wind whipping around so cold and it blusters
Snow in huge flurries larger than clusters

Attacking in its way and everything in its sight
A veil spinning around fluffy dusting very white
Building and compiling going down and blowing up
Emptiness is filling a space to fill its open cup

A surprise in the woods the limbs carry the weight
But the grip that it cannot handle came to late
So a large tree cannot take the weight and surrenders
Now it has broken at the trunk to bow down forever

It seems the woods that only heard wind being spoken
Made in its path a trail of obstacles all been broken
So because of this and its rage from its wrath
The forest became of destruction as now it has no path

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Happy, I wonder!!!*

Happy, I wonder!!!!*

How did you wake up today?
Content as a robin in the early month of May?
Or did you moan with misery and doubt
Before the morning began about

To only a few life is robust and it inspires
To others that carry struggle go into the mire
What kind of focus do you chose to see what you like
Is it a skip through the park or a dreaded long hike?

Which ever you do it was something that is in the now
Maybe you do not see it here but it is in the future outcome allowed
It is about a frequency of feelings and if you are happy you will see
And if you keep it up, every door will be open to make you be free

Because of these feelings of good the Universe responds for you
And allows for you every moment without incident to go through
So keep it up in feeling excited with life all the time
It will be a journey to be of happiness and wonder you will find

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...