Sunday, June 28, 2020

Your ride is your guide*

Your ride is your guide*

Where did you come from and where will you go?
It is always with you if you need to know
But yet if you do not understand in who this is
And keep searching in why you exist

Then one needs to know in how to keep still
Mind chatter must be gone and thoughts become nil
Then a clear path is open in an internal direction
One sees one without objection

The core of life was never external and out there
But a being that has chosen you to always be aware
It  was that being that made you a creation as its own
Guide you and protect you with its love and never be alone

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Belief is relief*

Belief is relief*

Calm wind takes over for awhile
Peace has settled in for many miles
A few clouds are walking by
Above is the openness in a wonderful sky

But that is about to change in a bit
Where calmness use to be, now more clouds sit
The distance is bringing darkness with a rumble
Like as tho something is not satisfied with a grumble

Then a drop is felt and more with its power
Here comes a deluge in an afternoon shower
All the long the days were covered with heat
Nothing could be remedied and could not be beat

Exhaustion each day that came by was so dry
No tears from the clouds as they could not try
As for now all is seen in balance with relief
In order for things to happen, one must have that in belief

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Eternity keeps still*

Eternity keeps still*

Sitting around for many years
Passed the good times and all of the tears
Yet knowing what is within this will
Can only be of clarity by being still

Ingesting what is felt in peace
In the surround no chaos as it ceased
A sense of well being in perfection
A path that is known pointing back within this direction

No known of the knowing in this notion
No mind chatter to be in motion
But now it is recognized from this being alone
All the long this was a rock staying still at home

Dom*cColucci © 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The turtle that can fly*

The turtle that can fly*

Laid along the beach amongst the sand
In a deep hole covered where it stands
A mother turtle knows of place where it is worth
In letting go of her eggs until a time of birth

Nestled in the sand awaiting to come out
The time is at hand in nature with no doubt
We then see movement as waves into the shore
It is time to get out of the sand with this open door

So now each baby turtle knows where to go
There is really no mother or teacher, inside it just knows
Its journey is straight ahead to get back out to the sea
This is where it learns to fly and inherently to be free

Dom*Colucci © 2020


Who lives your life for you?*

Who lives your life for you?*

Have you ever looked at the world and seen this?
It seems all of life in its beings try to exist
Because everyone has in belief they are in control
That is not the case it is an anchor of suffering that holds

In doing so all of the human population seems to wish 
When change comes and it is not welcome, the past is relished
But that is an illusion that no one can ever see
It is somewhere in the mind that cannot break free

This is what I call a training in conditions
Like a belief to someone not letting go as if it is superstitions
From this condition from many years suppression came
When conflict arises who is the one to blame?

Really there is no one that has fault but ignorance from an ego
It never gave the other side of one's brain in what that side knows
So all of life tended to be lopsided and does not advance
Only because of suppression that never gave it a chance

But to the one who is willing to step outside of the box
It is that one who has the key in letting go what was locked
So you see there never was any of illusion of what one has learned
All the while you were with it you just need to make a turn

Hence then clarity is opened in a truth nothing can cling to
The life now one belongs is the one the SOUL* sees and can do
You become that to which the texture of effortless in the void of space
Aligning with the Universal frequency,
As the SOUL* not you has taken your place

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Look at me but don't see*

Look at me but don't see*

So we all show up in a place call here
But do we see it live within us near?
I say no to those that don't know for sure
They are the external ones that sit in a future

But that is OK there ingredient comes with their dance
It is not stupidity but more of a heaping of ignorance
From their wonder to be expedient in getting there
Their eyes are definitely closed to a SOUL* whom really cares

They use judgment and do not see the full picture in haste
Amazing that they go throughout life with an ego to waste
Getting what they want not caring who they walk on
No point of view ever, by the way who shot John?

Excuses to point the finger somewhere else
Only being like Teflon thinking only of themselves
But that is OK for they do not see
It is because of KARMA, when it happens it is why me?

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Was the Garden that was E"aten" really here?*

Was the Garden that was E"aten" really here?*

There was once a garden that had everything for man
All he had to do was be here where he stands
As he was given from that birth right his truth
All he ever needed was to stay centered and take root

But because in his deep meditated place
Something of another kind came into his space
He was aware of this and felt its force
But because of this feeling from this, he took another course

Now he seen that all around him was amazing
He was hypnotized from where he was in his gazing
He felt a sense to belong in this intrusion
But really this was not his place and became an illusion

Now something came across him and he felt trapped
He was duped in another belief and now had to take the rap
His body felt sore and not to be aligned
It seems he lost everything from this point in time

He went into struggle and felt naked and alone
Now pushed out of the garden of Eden on his own
He had laid a foundation of many offspring
But all of them where just in disarray, this is what life brings

From that beginning searching everywhere to no avail
Not even a place to guide with and follow a homeward trail 
From his offspring he searched for answers with any clues
But there was nothing there what was he to do

But a hint came along when the Buddha came here
Buddha had wisdom that made all to see clear
But only few took this advice in hearing within
Ah the way of life is still here in where to begin

But many apples on the tree seek dependency
It is that one apple that knows of this in being free
The core of all being sits right here in the center
Only few know of this and that is where they enter

All "of" the world's misery sit in what is out there
But one that finds within loses that and becomes aware
Suffering indeed is an attachment from eyes of desires
If that one wishes more of this then they shall tire

So all of mankind is of this apple tree it is Source indeed
It was his ego that kept the shell on that wisdom within his seed
When he knew he was no longer part of the world
He definitely seen something inside of him that made life unfurl

Now the world is in all of chaos, misery, agendas to follow
But all of that is ego that no wisdom here it is very shallow
When all get together for a cause to settle from all that disagree
They really are sheeple, not one individual sees the SOUL* to make them free

All those that follow have many kalpas or lifetimes of lessons 
They all rise and fall like the TAO* without learning the sessions
So you see since lifetime began man was already free on his own
It is just in his following externally, he always left his home

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Turn around at the corner*

Turn around at the corner*

Wondering aloud and wishful thinking as well
Was it man from spirit that he hath fell?
The eyes that have been looking, deceived from the start
This to me is how man from SOUL* went apart

A constant struggle from all moments in a story
Never reaching that moment when one finds glory
But yet those eyes that do get rest in the night
Only return with the same mindset in light

But the path moveth on and with optimism one seeks
Until the pivotal part of being hits its peak
So when we all came into this world there was no warner
The lesson we had to learn from this was always around the corner

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The moon clears the fog*

The moon clears the fog*

Smokey dark evening a dense sensation
The moments go by of some sort of destination
A slight spin of accuracy turns around the sun
The darker side of where I am as it still is one

I gaze upon the sky and note separating clouds
Somehow dissipation, an opening is allowed
Like a cigarette in an ashtray left alone
To burn out to the filter on its own 

A clearing is now seen in a glowing light
To have no mare darkness on a cloudy night
When the sky opens which one will see soon
From now what is left behind was a foggy moon

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...