Sunday, August 23, 2020

Wait and you will see you*

Wait and you will see you*

Dreaming through the ether one comes into being
A veil that concealed one's eyes, along not seeing
One that is now here that was of SOUL* to be manifested
Idea of consciousness, that never was rested

Could it be KARMIC from a reincarnation
Another life from from before, stopped at its destination
What did that consciousness from before hath learn?
To come back here and do it over again in its return

As said from before, the lesson is removing the veil
And to end all suffering  in walking the path on the trail
To be liberated from the ignorance one was once bound
To know as Buddha did, existing where one stands on this ground

No other purpose can ever be in knowing this
To seek anything else is to lose and resist
For you came here with the tools within that seat
And to have that wisdom from those tools to know you are complete

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Before this happened, I was here*

Before this happened, I was here*

I can see through the texture in the surround
So clearly that it is in all that abounds
Though it seems to be surface but runs within so deep
That this texture begins to blend as it starts to seep

Hence then what am I if all nothing is
That is what clarity is described a being to exist
No more than a form manifested formlessness to be
Then back from formless to form an object to see

As I do look around and all that is objectively perceived
Put there by something or someone else, how do you believe?
Obstacles of particles that have no meaning to light
Just a mesmerizing picture to break the dull within sight

But to get a little more deeper and to see truth to be clear
That something points back at self, yes you are meant to be here
Looking for answers I ask why is it that I do?
That when I came into existence, something already knew  

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Go along for the ride you have to let go*

Go along for the ride you have to let go*

Have you ever known how much grace nature always has?
The fluidity of all things and the wind so gently it pass
All in nature take advantage of this in the surround
From heavens up above to the solid firmness of the ground

To see birds, bees and also pretty butterflies
Go by without effort and touch the forever skies
This tells me something about what is God's love
It not only is here on where we are but eternal place up above

What a feeling that must be to align your being in a great frequency
To have such guidance and above all internal wisdom to see
Clarity all around in the truth you now know
As now you move around freely and have also let go

For you see in letting go that wind will take you for a ride
But you have no fear in destination as guidance is always inside
Because the secret that was not told to you all the long
Spirit that made you to go with the ride in where you always belong

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Now will always be a planted seed*

Now will always be a planted seed*

 Eyes to be open in the morning light
A dream that one seen only in the night
For what has happened in that time span
Now that is gone forever in where one stands

But yet anew moment has arisen one to be placed
The texture one is surrounded by is now in its space
To the one whose virtue is patience within
We do not see such time no more as now always begins

They who have known this gets it, what has now the present sees
A direction points back inside as a center from a wheel is free
No more myth on anything that one will ever need
Here will always be here, planted deeply is this seed

Dom*Colucci  © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...