Friday, October 30, 2020

Origin, the only purpose we are here for*

Origin, the only purpose we are here for*

As in ZEN* the koan goes like this

This is an epiphany that one cannot resist

What does your parent's face look like before they were born

As a consciousness shows us in the light of morn

It is so simple that it is in plain view

That face that your parents were before they were born

It was always you

And then another shows us and who was I before I was born?

Oneness in the question not to be abandoned or forlorn

That person was your parents that made you whole in being one

Hence that was you before you came with thy will be done

So when we see this as a conscious truth

We now know of its subliminal message in its youth

To look at an apple and it realizes in what it sees

Inside the apple it has an origin in the seeds to be free

But to look once again and see it is the Father of this fruit

It creates its parents for it to grow with its roots

So in writing this a purpose I had in mind

To me it broke away an egoic objective in this find

As in a purpose why we all came here and wandered about

It is to find the SOUL* and its origin without a doubt 

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Subtly supernatural just being*

Subtly supernatural just being*

 All of nature with life to touch the sky

Willows a weeping, bending down to cry

Wind a slight blow to the west it passed

A little more then a breeze not to last

My eyes turn above and look to see

Birds in harmony moving gracefully

Fresh cool feeling so subtle on a spring day

Emotion setting at a higher frequency on its way 

As to say "how can this be to have a life from love?"

But eyes turn once again to grace I see up above

An outwards image, yes I believe and in agreement with a nod

In such clouds I see white hair and a white beard, it's God

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Truth in the roots*

Truth in the roots* 

Where does a tree grow that has no roots?

Seeking this you see no truth

If one that does not know, does not see

Looking for this answer in totality

Just let go and let happen to be

Then you will see it is right in front of thee

Hence it takes no shape and has no form

But when the eyes are clear then the opened door

As to know that this tree moves to and fro

That the root that moves shall always know

Now that one knows of the truth here

Then the tree with no roots shall always be crystal clear

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Breathe ZEN*

Breathe ZEN* 

It is all about one's breath

In this it is only living not death

Harmony is the key that one seeks

In meditation the rhythm is to keep

To make a total blank in one's mind

And to see of nothing as to find

The clearing is about a way to ZEN*

To know of nothing else, no beginning or end

To be right in the middle of one's center

A door that is always opened and to enter

To be of balanced and inner peace

And the world outside halts and comes to cease

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

But only once, you are*

But only once, you are* 

Have you ever taken a closer look and seen

Something back at you that it really means

Yes that there is something there awaiting for you

But it is up to you to look into its view

As then you take in your mind in what you perceive

This goes beyond in what you believe

For that something is the thing that made you complete

And it did not wish you to reincarnate this life to repeat

It only knows of being one with you and not dual

With one direction in one Universe, this is its rule

Now that you know this, this being that is one is whole

And you never have to learn nothing else as its story has been told

Dom*Colucci 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

Love knows where the heart is*

Love knows where the heart is*

 I have longed so much to receive your kiss

For it was the one that I truly missed

My heart felt lonely since you were not around

I searched for you everywhere in the surround

Deeply I knew that the search would not fail

I knew one day I would find you on this trail

As I hit mostly lows that I came across

But rambled on as I knew this was not a loss

Until one day came here to be

It was you, my love that I came to see

Meeting  with such open hearts with love

Yes the clouds blew away as sunshine came from above

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Tears of joy break the silence*

Tears of joy break the silence*

Being so still that even gravity has to rest

Consciousness does not move on this quest

But tho so silent a cloud walks on in

Something feels heavy as something begins

A drop falls from the sky to meet its fate below

Without aim it hits a flower so it can grow

From this stillness even with silence its twin

But from the sky the silence is broken and it must end

Before one can speak of anything at all

More rain to follow as now a deluge has to fall

The pitter patter has a rhythm like on a piano and its keys

It is the cloud up above the maestro letting all its drops run free

Dom*Colucci © 2020

The way stays eternally right here*

The way stays eternally right here* 

Where the east river flows and the western sky meet

The evening slowly comes as darkness is to greet

The flow follows through with no destination planned

Moving effortlessly without thought, as it knows it can

Gentle breezes come by to push this flow

Without a boat to stay afloat and no oars to row

It only knows of one thing in one direction

There are no mistakes along its way with no corrections

It does not yield to anything along the way

There is no rest at all it has no past to stay

Every motion it makes on top of sand beds and rocks

The flow of this river goes on eternally and will never stop

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Clearly, are you here?*

Clearly, are you here?* 

To where are the barriers in which one can find?

Could they be in the corner of one's mind?

As to look with one's eye a message is sent

Then one wonders where that message went

Now it becomes duality as to be good or bad

Do not know which side is best, misery or glad

Then that choice is taken as this judgment to be attached

Another part of a reality stored beyond the gate that now is latched

And this now becomes a memory that has been locked within

That little corner of the mind to see over and over again

But on the road to enlightenment one's mind must be clear

To rid all of one's memories that were always stored here

Now when one that sees clearly has an open life instead

It is without any obstacle as perspective one sees ahead

In doing so nothing can be attached along the way

But the way is right here as it is the wise that knows to stay

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Just wait and see*

Just wait and see* 

The vague gray starts and is being pushed away

Smoked dewy fog sets in and is low as it stays

The lake seems so calm and of peacefulness and serene

If my eyes were not opened this would be a dream

Morning is present and on the lake one hears the loons

The evening that just left said goodbye to the moon

Mountains in the fog but know that they are here

Until the veil is lifted, then nothing is crystal clear

The lake anticipates a bright fall day to be its reflection

Absorbing the beauty of the trees in the mirror's direction

To be in this moment as the SOUL*s eye awaits to see

God's picture is so subtle and that it moves so gracefully

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Once to being born again*

Once to being born again* 

When one is first born they come in with innocent eyes

A little while later something happens, don't know why

Then a struggle ensues and that one becomes lost

The struggle increases and a valuable life has its cost

Through these trials that one must go through now

If that one learns a lesson to let go and allow

As in this an epiphany shall come and arise

Hence you will see this and learn no longer to cry

A statement was made by Jesus Christ, to the Son of Man

Just listen to what is said in depth and you will understand

What is been said that you can be born again

As your physical world no longer exists and that will end

It is about being born of water and into spirit you see

That oneness and not duality as the being to spirit agrees

That struggle was an attachment with judgment and pain

For being of spirit, balanced and harmonious, that is being born again

Dom*Colucci* © 2020

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...