Sunday, December 6, 2020

Extinguished flame*

Extinguished flame* 

Illumination from the east

Sun rises like bread made from yeast

It takes a walk across the big blue sky

There are a few clouds that diminish and pass by

It is intensified in brightness by noon

Heat is on hopefully bringing relief soon

As it moves on further to keep walking towards the west

Moving at its goal, to be slotted as it knows its rest

To see its diffusion spread across the horiZEN* line

The light soon returns home and that is fine

But from this diffusion the spread seems to be on fire

The sky comes to ablaze in intensity and soon retires

Dom*Colucci © 2020


  1. Replies
    1. ~thank you my Precious Flower~I am glad you enjoyed this poem~God Bless You always as well~


I finally got the point!*

I finally got the point!*  Have you ever noticed where you stand?  Casting your eyes outward across the land Now you come across an epiphany...