Sunday, January 31, 2021

Know who I am*

Know who I am* 

So often we turn our lives upside down

Never knowing who we truly are in our surround

Deeply we go searching for a mystical place

But seems the deeper we go we find of no trace

But maybe often we should go into the wilderness to pray

As Jesus did to be removed from the fray

Yes it is deeply rooted into our SOUL*s

To know who complete we are to be whole

So in order to not belong of the world as that is not who we are

And to keep that distance of events and situations afar

Then it is up to us to finally seek what is within

For that is the place that knows us best in always to begin

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Is that ("outta") outer space?*

Is that ("outta") outer space?*

 Set your sights on the well beyond

Something way out there that you know is gone

An infinite point you just cannot see

A place so non existent that it is always free

Sitting there alone all by itself

In a cosmic industry all on a shelf

Never to be seen by the eyes that are looking out

You will never know of its truth or even had a doubt

With this in mind imagination can wander

It just takes a brief moment to think and ponder

In seeing that all is covered by those stars in their place

One will never know that the darkness there is a wall and it is "outta" space

Dom*Colucci © 2021

We knew we were old from the beginning*

We knew we were old from the beginning* 

One day a long time ago

We were so young and we did not know

Growing up with a wonder in our hearts

We knew that nothing could ever make us part

We were together like sisters but were friends

And watch each other's back to the end

But now as we seen life go by and getting old

It seems the story we made coming here has now been told

Our will is strong but the body is turning weak

The closer we get to leaving here we become more meek

So when we do expire we will make the transition smooth

To know we ;lived that simple life, that was our temporary proof

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Space, the frontier we are standing in*

Space, the frontier we are standing in* 

If you take a deeper look in what is in the void

Then by doing that you will be freed and not annoyed

For it is the texture that when we look and see

There is no texture at all not even gravity

So why is that we live as objects all the long

Yet we are of the land and not space where we might belong

It seems that somewhere something happened and took a turn

And our journey has to be taken within and to learn

Maybe we will learn and understand to be wise

To leave one side of the "mind" and start to surmise

And to finally know of our truth with space to be real

And to now to become that texture of nothingness now we will feel

Dom*Colucci © 2021

What was the past?

What was the past? 

Why is it that we live for the past?

A place deep in our heads that does not last

As all it is is the turn of the page

And one more notch into our age

I say then why do we think about it and cling?

It is just another part that deteriorates as a thing

A memory that cannot be held onto by your hands

A place that vanishes right where you stand

To seek no more what has just disappeared

To put one now at rest to see crystal clear

Knowing now that this does not exist

To put the "mind" at ease and no longer persist 

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Do you believe you only did it once?

Do you believe you only did it once? 

Did you notice something when you woke up?

Before you made your coffee and poured it in your cup

Or went about to shower and get changed

As what is in your surround was not rearranged

But everything that was placed sits and remains

It did not move but is still the same

And you went about diving in your car

You did not still noticed whether it was close or far

It is something so simple that you cannot grasp with your "mind"

Right in front you and hence it is an easy find

And all this time you believed that this was masked and hid

Throughout your life it is only once you really did

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, January 3, 2021

At home you are not alone*

At home you are not alone* 

I never knew what an awakening was

Until one day a truth made its cause

A feeling all alone and was out at sea

What this feeling was that became within me

So I was wondering deep in thought

Something that I never knew but it was I that sought

I was beginning to experience a great deal of joy and happiness

Where I was going which I really could care less

It was a mission that we took on as the point of no return

Another side of a consciousness we all had to learn

There was fear in all that was there and about

Our minds were sharp and could have no doubt

As I was moving along on the ship for a ride

Many had so much fear but to me another entity was my guide

It told me I would no longer be a part of this mission which was there

A voice so strong I could hear and was well aware

I told everyone about this voice that I was leaving soon

The frequency of that voice was so strong and right in tune

Now everyone around me heard this and did not believe

How is going to get off this ship in what he conceives?

But the truth came as the third day was here

Now everything was in aligned and was crystal clear

The consciousness I heard now showed me that day

It was a gate finally opened for me and I was on my way

I left that consciousness never to return again

But knew where I was going it had just begun

Now this was the tale that my life was leading to

It was all about the path to an awakened consciousness right in view

Until the next story I tell you about all this

You have to be aligned with your inner being and get the gist

Because what is outside of you is not centered

It is the middle of who you are that you must enter

Then you will be able to get on track

Finally a home to go to and to get on back

Because while you are here your purpose is to find your home

And when you do you will know who you are and never be alone

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Dreaming, "I AM" not*

Dreaming,  "I AM" not*

 There is another entity that tries to pull me away

It comes from the past and does its best to make me stay

But it knows it cannot come back and it hurts so bad

It tries to push and shove me, does its best t make me mad

But the route I have chosen as "I AM" a disinterested being

I have lost the searching or looking but now "I AM" seeing

I know deep down inside of me that it is wisdom and SOUL*

That it is the embodiment of the Universe that is complete and whole

When I, as I knew was lost what was in the external world

The variables that were there put me in a tizzy and a swirl

I asked myself what is this proving and what is the meaning

But no reply came back for that was a world of dreaming

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...