Sunday, April 25, 2021

Awakened space*

Awakened space*

 Blue sky, white clouds as the ball rolls

Circular across space, it takes another stroll

Nature is within its root and now is always here

Only it to be effortless that the void to be near

No static can be clung to and it is forever free

But it is content where it is, floating in a spacious sea

Awakened that it is no ignorance can be in its way

It goes to a dark side at night and becomes light during the day

Hence it is a myth that it awakes and then  goes to sleep

But it does not do either for its consciousness is really deep

For it is now and it is continuance and OM is its song

It knew from day one in creation, right here is where it belongs

Dom*Colucci © 2021


  1. Replies
    1. ~thank you my Precious Flower~imagine leaving the physical being to become the physical Spirit~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...