Sunday, June 27, 2021

Evicted from the past*

Evicted from the past*

What has happened before I got here?

It appears that it was here always not clear

But how could that be that I did not even know?

Well it was where your mind was always that did not show

So if I can get still with myself and stay where I am

Then I will be able to know right here and

As well as what is in front of me that it seems it will be

A more focused outlook in the present that I will see

Like how direct light is with just one ray

That ray knows where it goes with one line to stay

So with only that one beam it has the direction

And the past that went away behind me gave me an eviction

Dom*Colucci © 2021 

Oh really that is reality?

Oh really that is reality?

Mirror, mirror who art thee that I see?

Both eyes that meet seem to agree

But really in this form that is image reflection

There is separation that jumps between in no connection

So who are you if your eyes are looking at me

And if that is  so, who is standing right here to be?

Then would you say that my image is false and not real

Can this be certain in a mirror that my form you did steal?

Yes then the world is just an illusion

Then to me with this conclusion

Nothing then is certain and has no foundation

That in viewing the external world is a false creation

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Spot on here*

Spot on here* 

Vastly in the womb of emptiness

An energy so pure in its consciousness

That to which it is always here need not to seek

Though the temptation maybe strong and not weak

To fulfill that to which is only shallow

To be of void and fall in with its swallow

There is no sides as duality does not exist

There is nothing of its struggle to resist

Hence then one that can see that always abounds

That the only thing that is always here is you in the surround

That you cannot move onward because here is built in

An when enlightened you will know how it is again and again

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The witness that never seen anything at all*

The witness that never seen anything at all* 

Where can this be of my life?

Searching everywhere finding nothing but strife

Hard uphill battles that I seem to lose

What is all of this that in this life I chose?

I am really not this person that gives me this

Is this all I have to make it all exist?

I say I stop in its dwelling

This is nothing but mind pollution in its swelling

Ah there is a feeling of relief

An epiphany with a new belief

I have come to grips with who this is I see

A new found love affair in what is within me

Then to me there is nothing in a external life no longer

It was always with me inside that got me stronger

Yes I had to drop all that I once learned

The past is now in ashes as I let it burn

So I get it and now with seeing eyes

That these eyes no longer live with misery or even cry

I have turned my eyes inside and see the truth

No longer is this within can be ignored or eluded

For it is that we all have but many do not know

Because what they are looking for is something external to show

Hence then it is no longer a seeking guessing game

For that to which is within already knows your name

When you see your SOUL* that external world cannot steal

Your outside self vanishes and your real truth is now revealed 

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...