Sunday, August 29, 2021

Mouth of the pond, sprinkles to the taste*

Mouth of the pond, sprinkles to the taste*

Quietly I ponder in solace of the room

No anticipation to get anywhere soon

Journey I take from sitting in this past

No longer of substance this time did not last

Now I move in slowly from this journey to a pond

A slight breeze settles in , partially calm

One drop is felt from rain or maybe two

Watching how they hit the surface plane in view

Now more and more seem to group up and going south

The pond invites all new comers in multiple mouths

But a drenching is taking to this place in which it receives

Soaked to the bone now, it is time to leave

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The will of stillness*

The will of stillness*


Stillness, the center that comes to rest

The only spot that is within that is the best

No movement at all, let the wind rush by

Like a mountain standing tall, and an opening in the sky

The feeling of growth without effort within

The root that takes shape, let it begin

The outer external, the variable it is lost

Taking everyone's awareness away in all their thoughts

But that to which has already being still and direct

It is that one who will be calm and a Source to connect

So the key in life is to be still and learn how to breathe

Then within will open and you will go beyond your belief

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Don't look but see who is at the door*

Don't look but see who is at the door* 

To me I am not interested  of this world

Really have no mind in how it unfurls

People that are seeking already see it

But too damn ignorant to know it exist

They hang on desires with a latch

And keep possessions in suppression to be attached

So their interest remains with them in suffering you see

A duality is two not one to be free

So their struggle keeps coming with no end in sight

But something is doing its best to pull in the light

As they become more ignorant and the external is in view

No knowledge outside themselves can save them blinded always too

To those that reach nirvana but what they know inside them true

Their eyes turn to see the SOUL* they always knew

And with this in awareness as what they came here for

They see Jesus in heaven holding open the door

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Do you know where this takes you?

Do you know where this takes you? 

What did you awaken to as you got up today?

Did something call for you to be on your way?

Or is it in the script that is an invisible plan?

That the higher consciousness knows right where you stand

And if that is the case then why defy this all the time?

Do you ever wish to your to be of harmony and rhyme?

So you go about of this world with ideas to be

And with some "hope" that you will wish to see

And to change everything around and this is what to feel

But it does not happen the way it is plan because of a variable KARMIC wheel

But you struggle along and push your weight to the goal

Because of your "thoughts" you have is under complete control

That is not the case in this life that all is illusional and temporary 

I say just go with the flow without resistance and you will see

That all this life was a movie and we all played a part in the script

A movie that really had no meaning to it just a point from A to B trip

One day will come and you will wonder where did life go

Something you will never hold onto as the past will never show

Like entering a tunnel on the other side it will bring

Will you go into more suffering or be an angel with wings?

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

If all is one, then so is the dimension*

If all is one, then so is the dimension* 

Just take this in awareness and see

If you then can see it, you will be free

It is a simple task that needs to request

Then after you know it, all will come at rest

Take just a little gander and give it a peak

Ah ha moment then no longer to seek

To now understand who was in your shoes

Subconsciousness was aroused but the awakened is not amused

You will be astonished as it was all here from before

But your eyes kept on looking for something more

More moments to wish for in attached extensions

Seeking the same as science in many dimensions

But you are not of science as logic is make believe

To the enlightened one this is not perceived

Revealing this truth one can say that is that

When you now truly see what is real, externally, all is flat

Dom*Colucci © 2021

It's not needed*

It's not needed* 

Dwelling and pondering, thinking a thought

Running circles in my brain, it has to be sought

A continuous cat and mouse game, who is the winner

To squeeze it out from its thickness to be thinner

To finally give up as no longer a place to go

Where did this come from and what did it know?

Really did it matter something out of boredom begins

And to seek it round and round, again and again

I guess the name we call it is ignorance we see

An ego from its illusion and place that it needs to be

But we are enlightened beings that are guided by truth and light

And because of this our true nature does not think but has sight

From that truth in seeing clarity all the time

Ha! there is no such thing as time in the awakened mind

So since we are are complete and our truth is seeded

We have simplicity within ourselves and the external world is not needed

Dom*Colucci © 2021

The non existed exists*

The non existed exists* 

Whispering by on a cool summers day

A simple breeze is blowing of its way

Cool sensations run to and fro

In one way and out it goes

The wind takes a path nothing resists

It is invisible and but it does exist

Where does it come from as it just makes itself up

A form of consciousness that does not rest or stop

No flavor of itself, it is bland to the taste

It utilizes all its energy and spares no waste

Forever in a physical plane this energy to be

It comes without attachment and was meant to be free

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...