Sunday, October 17, 2021

ZEN* is everything man is not*

ZEN* is everything man is not*

 Many know a lot about everything

So much knowledge makes your ears ring

Bright inspiration filled with new ideas and thoughts

To some very easy without being sought

They sit and look and figure out

It comes as a whirlwind without a doubt

A new product to hit the market line

So that many can seek that special thing in their find

But really does it matter at all and does anyone care

To the awakened one need not and become aware

Simplicity is direct as it knows of all source

And with this connection  the path is narrow and on its course

Hence we can see like ZEN*

Materialism never surfaces and it only ends

The only thing that really is sought

Is nothing at all which in ZEN* is already caught

Dom*Colucci © 2021

The objective man is only an object*

The objective man is only an object*

Man is only here temporary as he lives his lie

He is born, hustles through life and then he dies

So what do you expect if this is all he is

He cannot be here eternally and own all that exists

He somehow believes he has dominated power

But he does not know who he is as his ego makes him scour

Not getting what he wishes suffering with his desires

Pushing the limit in his objectivity, his life is a KARMIC fire

So man is just an actor that fits his ego to play

This as said is all he is and this is his only way

Imagine if he let go of that and now did not give a hoot

He would see his true self, heaven within, and crystal clear in the truth

Dom*Colucci © 2021

God, not man to serve for~eh?*

God, not man to serve for~eh?*

Ahhhhh!!!!!~that one day came and something inside was triggered

An elated feeling as it was faith in something bigger

Right then and there something told me before this would not last

Now it was true as it dissolved and no more past

I weathered well as awhile back I seen the external world not true

There are so many still externally lost without any clue

My eyes got a grip and no longer a search to look

But the story I began seeing was within myself, this book

I came here not to please others in entertaining their desires

And making them dance in every whim that lights there fire

No I am here directed in Divine consciousness and the SOUL*

Yes I came here not for the external world but that merge within to be whole

Dom*Colucci © 2021

What does thinking really look like?*

What does thinking really look like?* 

Why do you walk around oh so blind?

Is it because of thinking always in your mind?

Where does this thinking come from inside of you?

Does it have a platform you can see in plain view?

I bet you don't know but it is a room filled with delusions

To make you walk off your path to seek something in an illusion

Ask yourself this and see if you do know

I bet that you don't but still go to and fro

That thinking has to do with something you allowed others to say

Because they themselves along their path has lost their way

But go ahead and see if you can break lose from this dilemma and see

That thinking is really no one talking to you and now you'll agree

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Autumn, beauty that "falls" in love*

Autumn, beauty that "falls" in love* 

A forest on fire ablaze with the trees

Look all around, its fall a sight to see

Reds from greens and yellows from reds

Maybe a purple or two do you like that instead?

Walking on a trail basking in its aroma so clean

Beauty but all around, this has to be seen

A bit of wind blows through and makes some leaves dance

A love affair to get many acquainted in an autumn romance

Blending and mixing dropping to the ground

A fresh blanket for a cold night coming in the surround

Placed where it wills itself, this it already knows

Divinely wonderful, a seasonal masterpiece that shows

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Negativity, pain that does not wane*

Negativity, pain that does not wane* 

Atrophy, do you ever get up and move?

Losing your rhythm and cannot find the groove

Muscles getting tighter and shrinking to hurt

Your activity is losing fast and nothing seems to work

You become self imploded with no way out

The years gone by with negativity and doubt

The only one that seemed to put the stress on was you

But that was all you had in life now nothing you can do

Your joints too weak by the minute they get sore

You try to move onward but ask yourself what for?

Now you know how a negative vibration becomes

Year after year you decline rapidly now you are done

Sad but people do not see these effects so clear

Remember right where you are now the future is here

So with such an attitude to have positivity is always the case

Then you will never see atrophy or give negativity a trace

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Bliss, is this*

Bliss, is this* 

Do you know what bliss is?

Within you this cannot be missed

There is a harmonious feeling that hits your heart

Once you have merged with it, it does not depart

You have now entered that happiest in your life

Seeking no more externally in any sort of strife

The struggle cannot be seen has your heaven is your abode

Building up the spirit and not to erode

The only way to get here is to transcend and meditate

Wisdom is the strongest pull for now, it gravitates

But above all remember this very clear

You have never left this spot, the spot of bliss right here

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Naturally is eternity*

Naturally is eternity*  

Stillness so gentle a breeze flows by

Engulfed in this feeling more opened than the sky

This beauty that is felt so wonderful to the touch

How does one resist the simple essence in love so much?

The wind that comes silent and traipses through the trees

Lifting the branches slightly with its subtle breeze

How calming this has become in waves that are embraced

Indeed nothing can be seen from this or even traced

Eternal nature that knows of the SOUL*

Blending in unity to be complete and whole

Oh yes I now know why I came in this reality to be

To merge into eternity where I will always be free

Dom*Colucci © 2021 

A heart filled as one*

A heart filled as one* 

Notions grow stronger as they are filled with desires

The flames within myself grow higher and higher

For the two of us both hearts beat as one

Entwined with our love like a burning sun

We both move closer within our hearts 

Nothing now can ever pull us apart

We are the sacred matrimony in how love is to be

Both SOUL*s release into the Divine to be free

This feeling we both  have from the merge we meet

As said from the beginning we are one now complete

In such an essence the two has entered

Back home to origin where love was always centered

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...