Saturday, August 19, 2023

A face that is original space*

A face that is original space* 

Look me in the eye and what do you see?

Is it my SOUL* trapped inside waiting to be freed?

Or maybe it is just hanging around with no place to go.

Why heck it is present, and the present is all it knows.

No, the SOUL* is not trapped as it made this physical complete.

It has waited to be one, from the top to the soles of its feet

Sadly enough that one disregards the life it does give

And only learns struggle to die and not live

But if one has eyes and around, they turn

They will see their teacher a face that now learns

So, can you show me what is your original face?

You cannot see it as it looks back at you from a void within space

Dom*Colucci © 2023

Silence, "still here"*

Silence, "still here"*

Silence is always in the knowing
Frequency is clear and this is showing
Without engaging as this is to be detached
The use of the TAO* like the wind to catch

Ever know why a mountain never moves
It stays in its spot and found its groove
In total silence its freedom is its will
But it is responsible as a growing rock meant to be still

Silence in the calming makes all to manifest
Energy is pure when chaos comes to rest
The picture can be seen in how all came about
This in doing so. Silent, wise and "still" without a doubt

Dom*Colucci © 2023 

Here has only one way*

Here has only one way*

Oh, heaven above come connect with me

I am here within myself knowing to be free

To be as oneness a step at a time

To enter each moment in beauty, grace and rhyme

Yes a human poem in an awakening life

Detaching from suffering and all its strife

As those moments come and leave as the came

Another part of phenomena doesn't seem the same

Then that to which I know without knowing at all

A slipping from a veil, ready to fall

I do not know of its origin and no longer care

The origin that is now one Source and is well aware

Hence this spot that is here is Universal but one

No longer of duality, no decisions at all, it's done

So now I can feel this connection is here

And wisdom is my home, that is crystal clear

Dom*Colucci © 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Two is you but one is al"one"*

Two is you but one is al"one"*

 Do you ever wonder how your body moves?

Is it the mind or heart that found its groove

Or is it another thing that one does not see the script

To be only limited to gravity and not have a lift

Just take an outer look of who you are from different eyes

Now you see an object of yourself a human being who tries

So after this out of body experience do you see this object as free

Or one who plays follow the other with no wisdom to see

If this is who you are then the others are the same

All they are is a category filled with many names

So limited is man no matter how intelligent he becomes

He will stop short without being awakened never to be onne

Dom*Colucci © 2023

Everything is I and I am nothing*

Everything is I and I am nothing*

 Do you hang around and wonder why?

Why were you put here from life then die

Was there anything that made you in a higher consciousness state?

To know of what is in store for you in its fate?

Well the conclusion I came up with is no profession to seek

That is only used for duality which makes one weak

Because you see that one who has a title one boasts to be great

Which can only mean an ego and that is an ignorant trait

Duality is a place where cause and effect live

It only shows anger and never does it give

Hence an awakened state can never be achieved

Because of this downfall it is where one has to see first then believe

Just think of a plant as a seed

It is protected by a shell in a prison not freed

But when it is planted in fertile ground it can be cracked

And then it is on its awakened state a true nature that's a fact

So my conclusion is of this

The first step in enlightenment is not to resist

And that is on the way to no longer have desires

Detaching in life suffering then ends, awakening begins and that's all that's required

Dom*Colucci © 2023

The sky knows its weigh (way)

The sky knows its weigh (way) 

Is it in atmosphere that increases its fill

How does it make it appear within its will?

The atoms it comprises in its form

From cold air travelling into the warm

But is weight a factor we do not know?

Or an elusive reality that will not show?

But we do know that when we do look in the sky

We can see it form as it goes passing by

The wonder that we ask from it being so light

Can also be around in the edges of the night.

So the question I seek from perception so tall

How heavy are clouds and why don't the fall?

Dom*Colucci © 2023


  Golden dragon aflame Clouds to hide River is running away* Dom*Colucci © 2014