Sunday, May 5, 2024

I finally got the point!*

I finally got the point!*

 Have you ever noticed where you stand? 

Casting your eyes outward across the land

Now you come across an epiphany in this wild notion

Noticing what is here and not a mind in motion

In becoming so silent and very still

There is no effort or even will

Imagine this as you are on train tracks

Look forward outward as it is looking back

Yes, a point in oblivion one can see

It is staring from that juncture back at me

But another notion has come to view

This point has meaning as this is your cue

Guess what? To stay focused on this, it is your guide

With self-realization from now on is your ride

But remember what I just wrote as a caveat so true

You must have a self-realization in you being you

No ego, attachment, title, recognition or such

No gains or loss or many and not much 

If you know of this from this day on

You will transition well from physical being to spirit, when you are gone

But to those that do not see this may never will

Holding onto this life searching until

That one has an epiphany like I just did

Then they too shall find what they are looking for that was always hid

Remember that point is your guide and if you know this you can see

That the days are filled with the right things on track and be as happy as me

Dom*Colucci © 2024


  1. ~image from google images~

  2. Love it! So true regarding the journey to self discovery.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...