Monday, June 7, 2010

Creation of what is Now*

Creation of what is Now*

The mighty strong ocean has waves that are influenced by the vacuum of outer space and the moons gravity towards this as well. The waves crash violently against the shore with its rippled thought patterned to create the breeze which is the wind. From this wind birds are created to fly as Now a being is sculptured in that right dynamic to do so and so it becomes. From that the bird that has been created seeks the blueness in the skies as to see where its water in the ocean stems from.

The wind carries this breeze off the water of the ocean to create the clouds. Now that the clouds are formed the light of the Sun has boasted itself to give guidance to all that is happening in the quantum realm of existence. This starts the process all over again as new creations come forth with this as Now the birds seek food and shelter inland and the insects are formed as some of them mimicked the birds to give challenged for the winged zephyrs. So this creates the land that the insects roam upon as from this all new seedlings are picked up and dropped on this land to give the appearance of finely carpeted scenery and landscaped forests.

Now the reality of it all moves forward to rivers that have emptied and relieved the ocean of its huge excess of water as it all reverts back to itself in doing this. The ocean hides its treasure as what is happening down below is the same happening up above. Sea creatures and fish are creating more of the subjective reality they wish to be in as to find Now the synchronicity of all-that-is in the Universe that expounded and has unbounded unconditional Love to all its inhabitants that live on its sphere. As this story which to me is Brahman started it, winds up right back where it started from. Here in its own reality henceforth.

Enjoy as I hope you have liked what wrote as well as you read this(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. dearest soulbro,
    this is amazing. absolutely amazing.
    loved it.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love...Brahma Dearest Brahma..thanks for liking the story as well(+)

  3. Beautifully pictured painting :)

  4. Thanks my Dearest Mieke..Rouzanna and I were talking about this and she suggested that I amke a story up about this and this is what I had come up with....enjoy as well(+)


  5. You did a good job. I could visualize it all before me :)
    I bet Uma could make an inspired painting of it!


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...