Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No game, no pain*

No game, no pain*

Where is the barriers that One that holds?
It cannot be so True, being of freedom, the Soul
IT has been your guide for such a long time
This has been you meshed with Life, it is so fine
No need looking in justifications and to explain
There is no claim to fame or playing a silly game

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. dearest soulbro,
    Very interesting. explain please.
    lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus to God's Love..people are always using things to explain why they are the smart ones good ones best ones closest ones and on and on as they live in a subconscious life with these beliefs to justify why they are all these I just mentioned when all it is is just exist..the Soul will and has been taking care of you always but people need some more proof taht it exists and no need any further....hope that helped...enjoy as well(+)

  3. I am attracted to You
    To Your poetry, so true
    And gently pushed to react
    Guess it's a game too
    but sooo enjoyable in fact :)

  4. It is such a joy to respond this way
    It makes me cheery and brightens up my day
    I am so glad that I made you happy and carefree
    In the heart I give you in my poem to make you see
    So I am glad you put in positive action
    This tends to make me have a great reaction

    enjoy my Dearest Mieke(+)

  5. This is so sweet
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart
    This is much better than to tweet :)
    Because now the feeling of being a true part
    of your heart
    Is here to stay
    And will never go away
    (((Warm embrace)))


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...