Friday, September 3, 2010

Prism is long term*

Prism is long term*

Red is vibrant as it is in one's eye
Not to leave the container and do not ask why
Orange that comes next with yellow there too
Goes to green and then also to blue
Indigo and violet and Now it is complete
The trick of nothing there in that eye, it is treat

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. remembers me of a poem I made once:

    Let's color and mix
    let's paint and fix
    the colours in a radiating glow
    let's color inspired by the rainbow
    in many shades of gold
    let it then reflect in the moonglow
    endlessly, in many stories told

  2. As the colorless sap circulates in the seed, it makes it yellow, and then continues into the roots that emerge from that seed and make them dark brown, and then the sap grows the stem and makes it dark green, and manifests itself into the light green leaves and red and orange flowers, which will later convert the sap into red fruits and yellow seeds and back into the colorless earth...

    This is about the unity of all in both material and spiritual worlds.

  3. Mieke, you wrote a wonderful poem that makes me emotional... Rainbow always makes me emotional, as in childhood. Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You are very welcome Shiamala :)

    Some seven years ago someone in my country (the Netherlands) introduced me to the labyrinth. Me did know nothing about it and thought it was some maze. Soon found out the connection with Yoga, which I practiced already some 30 years then. Well, rainbow colours, seven chakras, seven path labyrinth....
    It all came together and I wrote a whole website about it. After that, poem after poem about the labyrinth emerged.
    If you have the time to visit my website: you are in for a treat and the links to all my poetry can be found there too.
    Emotions can be wonderful triggers to evoke that inner child again :)

  5. My Dearest Mieke is that one yours and if it is then you have a great memory..I love the last part "let it then reflect in the moonglow
    endlessly, in many stories told" sound like this comes from Edgar Allen Poe and not in a morbid way though(+)

  6. My Dearest Shiamala..synch..sounds like that ball of orange glowing light we wrote about today...the seed of explosive Soul and finds ITS way through the limbs that extend out of us...yes I agree Mieke does write some great poems...she is such a great friend...thanks for both of you(+)

  7. Dear Dom,

    Yes this poem is the beginning of a poetry e-book I made with someone (Joanne Cooper) I met first at Intent and later we both joined Wellworl. It was inspired by a picture with colourful little paint pots.

    I must say that it all comes from deep inside since I had this revelation of a colourful vibrating curtain radiating unconditional love.

    This has been my epiphany giving me inspiration endlessly :)

    It may be my aura, who knows, but it sprouts from the heart in endless radiation.

    Love to ALL

  8. yes I know what you are talking about as I was telling Rouzanna yesterday in an email about a orange glowing ball like a seed in my third eye area like it is going to burst soon...never seen that there ever before..enjoy your Sunday Dearest Mieke(+)

  9. It is going to bring you slowly but surely to the Gayatri Mantra.
    I was able to express my epiphany in a mandala and Uma Sharma and me made it into poetry.

    But I will not further influence your experience as this is and will be uniquely yours.

    Enjoy it my beautiful soulmate.
    Am always here if you need me.

    Love from the Heartphone

  10. Slowly but surely my life has changed and is ever more emptying into just Now many things are beginning to manifest with just the energy of thinking even though there are no thoughts involved as I have found something in my life with a conduit to this energy...thanks(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...