Monday, November 15, 2010

Love abounds as it flows*

Love abounds as it flows*

I Love you more as to be with you here
Love has fueled my passion being so near
We touch each others hearts this feels so well
My heart sits with abundance in Love as it swells
Blood flowing happily in and through my veins
No hurt is ever possible to carry a stain

Dom*Colucci 2010 


  1. Love in the Innernet
    a nice solution
    for a subjective illusion
    which creates imagination
    and a creative way
    to stay
    in each other's company

    Creating a virtual reality
    that Plato already knew of
    It can be made of a quality
    of divine friendship and love

    Love from the heartphone layer :)

  2. Always a great thing to have you and your treasure
    For it is in our poetic duels we have in pleasure
    I enjoy all you have and what you write
    Sharping my skills with writing in my inner sight
    Loving you more and more at each passing day
    And growing of what we write and have to say

    enjoy my Dearest Mieke(+)

  3. Lol, you make me smile :)

    Ain't this all what it's about

    It is just: breathing in and breathing out

    Love to do this in love
    because there is simply no other way I can think of

    Love from inner space lol

  4. Love increases when lovers are with each other.

    lots of love


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...