Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Heart is a diamond*

Heart is a diamond*

Diamond of mine that sits so deep
It is my heart with Love that I keep
Beauty that settles also within
But its action shows, time and time again
Emanating the Truth it always will be
A heart with so much Love and set so free

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. Just lovely. hearts are pure love, all we have to do is wake it up.

    lots of love

  2. IT is freedom unbound
    that I find back in your hiking adventure

    IT is love unbound
    that I find back in your beautiful poetry

    Together they form a great imagery
    of creativity

    These are the components to make one whole
    Body,mind and Soul
    All good things in three :)

    This is what I cherish in You
    and in Myself

    IT is the treasure of the Heartphone
    reflecting upon ITself

  3. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love and yes so True Awakened heart is the best as IT is connected with the Soul always(+)

  4. Beautifully written my Dearest Mieke such a great refreshing treat with us on the heartphone with a beautiful poem to be answering with...Love it Love and thanks...enjoy as well(+)

  5. Three in one
    Is you and me and Dom!

    A happy LOLOLOLOL+++++++++

  6. We could also opt for a full house, the more souls the more fun :)

    But not as a poker game lol


Clearly stated so beautiful*

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