Monday, November 15, 2010

Heart is comforting*

Heart is comforting*

The sunlight plays upon your face
It lightens up my heart it knows of this place
This is you with the greatest gift above
Enjoying you always, we are put together in Love
We will always see each other in Love as we pull through
Knowing very comfortably I can say I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. lovely sunshine poem.

  2. thanks my Dearest Jingle for liking the poem of the captivating feeling of light in Love...enjoy as well and Happy Wednesday to ya as well(+)

  3. Heart is comforting
    Heart is inspiration

    Heart is bonding
    Heart is a beacon

    When Sun is shining in the heart
    ITs geometry becomes a "flowchart"


  4. splendid. sunlight in her hair sets it on fire, the fire reaches your heart and sets it ablaze. :)

    lots of love


Clearly stated so beautiful*

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