Monday, November 8, 2010

Love is never apart*

Love is never apart*

You are truly a beauty, a queen of Love
Love is adorned by your Spirit from above
You have made me see such a beautiful heart
In always the Love growing and never apart
So Sweetheart always Love me the way you do
And I will never stop saying I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. simply fantastic. so full of love and warmth.

    lots of love.

  2. This is so beautiful Dominic!

    You inspired me to make the ultimate poem:

    I have loved you from the start
    I've always known you in my heart
    You are my inner revelation
    giving me handhold in my meditation

    Together we walk in a garden of delight
    Your kiss is pure, your eyes are bright
    You make me deeply happy when we unite
    to be One forever more
    and live together in the Land of Lore

    I've waited for this my love
    The angels coming from above
    will carry us gently away
    to that beautiful place we wish to stay

    In each other's heart to entwine
    unseperably in a love divine

    This is my deeplay felt revelation that already guides me for soo long

    Love from the heartphone

  3. Thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love for enjoying the warmth and joy with me as well(+)

  4. My Dearest Mieke this is so deep felt in my heart to feel your presence right next to me as it is both our heartphones talking in our Love for each other...thanks as I have tears in my eye reading the poem and listening to some soft Armenian music as romantic and emotional can this be..enjoy with me as well(+)

  5. Yes this is the fulfillment
    of a life in creativity
    originated from love
    lived in love
    and rehearsed in love

    who could wish for more
    than being romantic at this core
    with a symphony played
    by the Uni verse

    In love we rehearse
    in love we stay
    in each others company
    IT is the only way
    to Be

    Enjoyed, immensely :)

    This is the new Earth coming into reach at the HoriZen :)

    Love and light, day and night !

  6. God my Dearest Mieke you bring Golden tones to my much passion with compassion in this are a beautiful woman always..thanks for our company as I wish we could communicate differently than this but that is OK...enjoy as well in Love(+)

  7. In my subjective reality
    You are always with me
    You add a special quality
    to my life in this poetic way
    this is how I wish us to stay

    I am able to walk with you
    in my 3D virtual garden
    with the mountains in the distance
    looking through your eyes and glance
    the beauty your soul creates
    through the sunlight and the love it vibrates

    Thanks Dom for a wonderful (virtual) experience.
    Am happy at my age to have such a good one!

    Love from my heart always

  8. you are welcome my Dearest Mieke...i will send you some pictures of the Hadley Mountain I did today in Hadley NY..enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...