Sunday, June 5, 2011

Love with the Divine*

Love with the Divine*

The Love of two in hearts Divine
Making such happiness of feeling fine
Togetherness that not binds but is open so true
This openness is of Love, like the skies so blue
We embrace each other in a moment we combine
And feel this great Love in hearts that entwine

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. I see a rose with multiple limbs as its pettles, stretching them up to join the Universe!!!! A great feeling with the poem as well.

    Thank zou and thanks, Universe.

  2. not only do I see this as you do but become it as well...forever stretching towards the heavens in Love....enjoy as well my Dearest Shiamala(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...