Thursday, June 2, 2011

Love that makes heart so real*

Love that makes heart so real*

You can always be a delight in anyone's eyes
For you bring so much happiness and clear blue skies
My heart sings of joy in rhapsody too
I could never ever turn my back on you
You give me sensation and Love that I feel
I know this is true and your heart is so real

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: This sings to my soul and tears are welling up in my eyes! To think a thing so sensitive that can be in this being this thing called love...pretty mighTy AWESOME!

  2. I thank you my Dearest chiccoreal....these poems are hitting a spot within me as well but I must release them for to hold them within would only be a hindrance to my growth with Love....enjoy as well(+)


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