Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Darkened void of Love*

Darkened void of Love*

Darkened mystery has came in the night
I thought you were there my Love but nowhere in sight
I searched for a candle to see if you were there
But only found more emptiness as I became Aware
Now my heart is hurt, a Love I cannot find
Love has seemed to have left me, with uneasiness in mind

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. The one love you are searching for
    cannot be found outside
    not in subjective reality
    nor in the void

    There is a field to which you and I belong
    It is of unconditional love
    so strong

    You are a star inthere sparkling and full of light
    I am part of this field too alright

    It is from there we seek our experiences
    sometimes the road is paved with hindrances
    we ourselve so choose
    but in the oneness of this field
    we can never loose

  2. there is nothing that compares to this pain. :(

  3. I have been in the deepest deepest well
    of hell
    And have been able to pull myself out of it as well

    Before that I have seen this beautiful field
    radiating unconditional love

    No one would believe me though
    and with their comments
    threw me in hell

    Now that I have been able to pull myself out
    I have become the male AND the female no doubt.

    Perhaps it is a process
    but I found this out
    when I was 34
    no need to struggle anymore
    and to be forever in this land of Lore

    But I can only watch in compassion
    How every one needs to live his/her own session
    of Life

  4. so beautifully expressed in poetic gest my Dearest Mieke...I had to write a poem on a darkened Love as it came across my Awareness..sad because we only see the good side of Love always but there is also the worst as well...I needed a change of venue on the poems and a co worker and myself came across this together...nothing within family life at home as that will never change as I am the only one that does but que sera sera....thanks for sharing as it will always be Love that shows us our light as it is our Soul...enjoy always(+)

  5. so true my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love....thank you also...enjoy always(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...