Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Romance near the ocean*

Romance near the ocean*

The ocean breeze blows gently in your hair
Feel the Spirit of the wind, in the salty air
We walk along the water line on the beach shore
It is a full moon with passion and we know what this is for
It is our time for us to be in romantic interlude 
With our desires in Love, this evening we will conclude

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love prevails from deceit*

Love prevails from deceit*

A storm brewing, the clouds in the mix
A shadow has formed to do its own tricks
Functions not fair, it does not come from the heart
Treachery and deceit played this from the start
But Now with patience in my Lover to see this through
I know her heart is filled with Love and she is to be True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Soul sees its Love*

The Soul sees its Love*

I look out the window and see the rain
But my feeling is for Love and not for the pain
The great elation I have is the Love in my Soul
I watch on how all things take shape and unfold
Yes it is my Lover, I see her through the glass
It is because of this, that the rain has Now passed

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sweetness in my heart*

Sweetness in my heart*

Sweetness of mine, nestled like honey in the flower
Feeling of my heart for yours as Love is the power
So soothing to me is Loving touch
I will Love you this way oh so much
Be forever sweet to me, this is what I look for
My heart will grow deeper for you more and more

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A flower in my eye*

A flower in my eye*

Oh pretty flower, the beauty of the day
Such an attraction to my eye, in a loving way
Your vibrancy radiates, as it dances around
This wonder I have sought and now it has been found
So now I have such joy from you, feeling it in my heart
The touch of your gentleness and a love that will never part

Dom*Colucci 2011

Ease of my Loving day*

Ease of my Loving day*

An evening that has a warm summer's breeze
The day has gone by with such a nice feeling of ease
I am at calm and my heart feels fresh and alive
The Love of it all around me, to be so satisfied
Moments disappeared Now and I feel the wonder inside of me
Because of its Love, I have become happy and free

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Broken away from darkness with Love*

Broken away from darkness with Love*

Pushing and wriggling, going through the ground
Breaking the seed's hard shell, without making a sound
Pushing along up a journey with my root
I know if I keep going straight ahead, for this is my truth
A little more and I feel Love without being harmed
I have opened up into daylight with God's Consciousness, in open arms

Dom*Colucci 2011

I touch the heavens with my Soul*

I touch the heavens with my Soul*

Oh Spirit in the sky, you have called me once again
My Soul will climb in these heights, starting from within
To be a part of you and to Love you all the while
Each step better than the last, going up a few miles
When I reach the top and see the beauty that possesses you
I will Now know with wonder, that this stability makes you so True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Your heart by the shore*

Your heart by the shore*

Bold crisp day in the mountain air
The sky is partly cloudy but it is fair
I take a walk down by the village shore
Look back at the mountain that I came here for
I sit upon a rock and gaze into the rippled deep
There is no reflection only your heart I see and keep

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Love gets stronger*

Our Love gets stronger*

More and more it is the slip of time
What ever is behind us is gone and that is fine
For where we are going it has always been here
It is our Love within us both that draws us near
We will continue with this Love always so strong
Right here side by side, where we both belong

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wishing for our togetherness*

Wishing for our togetherness*

I brush away the clouds for you to see
To open with sunshine as it is meant to be
A woman like you, one look and you are adored
Such beauty with heart it is always meant for
My Lover please, I ask for one simple plea
I will give you my heart and wishing for you to be next to me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Hearts together bond in Love*

Hearts together bond in Love*

A subtle hint of a gentle breeze
It is you I feel, this is what I please
My heart has been fond of you here with me
You keep giving me Love and making me feel so happily
Each time we come together, many things happen so true
For it is in our hearts that bind, that our Love will always do

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hearts beating loudly*

Hearts beating loudly*

The window is open and the wind blows the curtains in
Walking in the room, I see you and my heart starts to spin
I feel a glow of passion, that will be
For it is only you my Love, my heart does see
Please let us enjoy this moment here on down
And feel each others heart beat loudly, as they pound

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Soul with eyes of Love*

Soul with eyes of Love*

I am of romance, as this is my way
To Love you in your heart and there I will stay
For it is the Love that I feel with you in your eyes
A beautiful Love within, it is the Soul for it is wise
Keep Loving me so and passion will always be
With these eyes of Love, it grows in the future we do see

Dom*Colucci 2011

You make sunshine in my heart*

You make sunshine in my heart*

I arise this morning, with radiance in my face
I reach over and see you, to give your lips a taste
You respond so happily with opened eyes
I feel that today, there is no clouds but sunny skies
Dearest Love you give me such warmth I know
Keep my heart in Love with this vibrant glow

Dom*Colucci 2011

A flower free with Love*

A flower free with Love*

You are a pretty flower in the meadow I see
Standing all alone in a breeze so free
My eye watches and sees you move to and fro
Dancing so lightly with each breath that has blown
You attract the honey bee with your nectar so fine
For this moment it is Love and it stops all of time

Dom*Colucci 2011

Oh moon of glow and passion*

Oh moon of glow and passion*

Oh silent moon, a glow in the night
Romance in the air, it feels to be right
Shine your light on my Lover and I
Staying ever so present in illuminating sky
Bring on the passion that I feel you may feed
And satisfy our hearts in desire, that is our need

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happiness in the Love of Life*

Happiness in the Love of Life*

As my eyes became open and the path is cleared
I open the door and happiness stood near
It was a red rose that flies, a cardinal in a pine tree
This made me content and very happy to see
I look with wonder, this is the way I will go
For all that I step into, the gifts they will show

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love makes it whole, eternally*

Love makes it whole, eternally*

I know the warmth that Love does give
It is happiness and bliss for one to live
It can cheer up a dark spot on a cold winter's day
Melting away despair and making a great feeling stay
Love is forever and it will always grow in the Universe and Soul
Love has kept it together a long time in making this place whole

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love is met by a red rose that flies*

Love is met by a red rose that flies*

I awaken this morning with such calm and splendor
My eyes see the Truth in light, this opens the door
The sunshine it blares loudly and it is felt
Deep within my heart, it is the Love that makes me melt
I am greeted by a friend, so happily to see
That friend of mine is a cardinal in the pine tree

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

The day of Love opens radiantly*

The day of Love opens radiantly*

The radiant sun breaks open the light of the day
It is in my heart, I feel happy this way
I am showered all around in such Love and light
What is in front of me is clearly in sight
For it is my Love who definitely Loves me so
This Love I feel from her, I will always know

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

It is how much I Love you*

It is how much I Love you*

Each breath I have taken, you have given me such Love
I am thankful and this with my heart, I will always speak of
You are the gift in my life that makes me move onward I see
To give me much joy for it is in my heart so happily
There is not much more I can do and even something to say
But feel me my True Lover, feel my heart filled with Love this way

Dom*Colucci 2011

Fatten me up with your Love*

Fatten me up with your Love*

My Love, it's your Love, saturate me all the time
Fatten up my heart with Love and fill it so fine
Let it ooze the sweet and tenderness you give it so
To feel the wonder of you for that to which I know
For this I will always be grateful and you will see
Holding you forever, right here next to me

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Lovely damsel in the garden*

A Lovely damsel in the garden*

Fragrance of the garden has entered me so
Senses that I love, it is my heart that also knows
The beauty I see, I take a walk further in
It is Lovely princess I see once again
She has captivated the moment I am to be
It is my heart that speaks volumes and for my eyes to see

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sweet surprises*

Sweet surprises*

It is because of our lives, that you are so far away
You have brightened up my Soul and made my day
Even though I still have not seen your face
You gave me a sweet gift with such goodness to taste
But I feel you always from where you are afar
Another gift as well, a beautiful friendship card

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...