Thursday, September 29, 2011

I felt you in my dream*

I felt you in my dream*

A darkened slumber has gone away
I have awakened into a newer day
Though it was away from the light
It was you I dreamed about, last night
I felt you close, as my dreams got deep
It was your heart I felt that was near me to keep

Dom*Colucci 2011 


  1. when hearts come this close
    one can see their vibration
    in electrical windows
    reaching out to one another
    entwining the impulse
    from one to the other
    This is the field of
    eternal Love
    I once experienced
    when floating in space
    appearing before me in Grace
    ............ :)

  2. For it is still the heart that one embraces with Love as if it were a dream but it is not for Love is the real Awakening in ones quest with Soul to find.....thank you my Dearest Mieke...I was going to use my iPhone to contact you last night before bed to tell you that my book is Now in the draft stages and I sent Uma a private message on facebook as I used her picture as an example from their two choices with her's and my idea...enjoy Love as I will keep you posted as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...