Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Love burns hotter desires*

Our Love burns hotter desires*

Our Love so intimate, like grapes on the vine
Growing upward being together and entwined
Coming closer in desires with our romantic play
Greater feelings for both, we know this is the way
Hold me more passionately, for it is fire in my heart
Keeping this flame with us both and never shall we part

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. very, very warm and loving.

    lots of love.

  2. For to know we are One
    from the beginning of time
    expanding in Love
    and beautiful rhyme

    Am happy that I never lost You
    My Soul
    So we can go live
    our life together
    so whole

  3. Am so happy for this revelation at an early stage in my life (34).
    It has given me a life of self-realization
    without any strife:

  4. That will be a blessing for me too. I dont think i would have been able to say it so very beautifully.

    do let me know when you visit adirondack and will wait to hear about its beauty.

    lots of love

  5. thank you my Dearest Mieke for the addendum once again on this poem..hoping all is well and to enjoy the holiday soon.....been busy in getting book number two into publishing as I hit another glitch with it.....will keep you updated as well...enjoy(+)

  6. my Precious Flower of God's Love...I am suppose to go tomorrow but my friend from Nepal has a paper due soon for college but maybe he will go with me Sunday..if you wish you may give me a call no matter what....enjoy and I will await for your call soon(+)

  7. Thank you for having given Uma the chance of making the most beautiful painting she ever did!

  8. you are so welcome my Dearest Mieke...but appears to me that I will have to settle making a smaller book with their choice as I know the next book I make I will need more KB in making I learned my lesson on this as for Now the glitch is still in the system and they have a large volume of messages they need to answer...but hopefully the next book which is all about the continuance of this one is larger...I am not disappointed but just kind of bewildered as this one had more poems in it but less KB...go figure...thank you and I thank Uma as mountain climbing today but tomorrow it will be sunny so until then, enjoy(+)

  9. my Precious Flower of God's may call me anytime you wish today...I am not going mountain climbing until tomorrow....hope to hear from you soon...enjoy as well(+)

  10. my Dearest Mieke...I just informed Uma about the went through as I looked at the other one on how I did it and when I realized I made pages for each one of the poems designated for those pages I did the same with the love poetry book as it finally took with 40.9 KB in it...Now I get started on getting this thing published...enjoy(+)

  11. Great that you did find the solution you needed.
    Looking forward to it.
    Tomorrow am really offline for a few weeks.

    Happy mountain climbing!

    xoxoxo Mieke


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...