Sunday, September 4, 2011

The beauty in the forest*

The beauty in the forest*

I walk along the path of the rocky trail
Seeking something to create a novel tale
I get closer and find what I need
Looking down around me, see plant life made from a seed
But I am curious of one that has been created for hours
My eye gazes longer, this one the beautiful flower

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. gorgeous soulbro, it must have been a beautiful walk.

    lots of love

  2. it was as it was another Mountain I climbed yesterday at 1050 m...or 3491 feet at Mt.Greylock in Massachusetts which is the tallest mountain in Massachusetts near us....I am soo inspired with God's Consciousness and the Love it has towards nature and natural law....did you get a chance to see our comment to you with the phone as I talked with a friend from Nepal who went climbing with me and said just dial 01 as he told me but on the other post Mieke gave you a number to call me with as well as that is the code also I will get me somehow my Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...