Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Love for my Life*

Love for my Life*

Oh Love of my Life, where doth one could be?
I searched for you forever, in my poetry
I wrote so many things to entice you to me
Please, open my eyes and make me see
When this vision is fulfilled and it will to be True
I know of your Love will be, as mine will be for you

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Try to remember
    those days in september
    the change of the season
    which tells us the reason

    It is about complete faith in yourself
    To know who you are and to value this
    in the very core of the nothing ness
    from which everything arises......

  2. beautiful pair of poems mieke and soulbro. one full of yearnings and the other soothing.

  3. thank you sharmishtha.
    It is about a balancing force in nature that in my experience lies at the core.

    But who am I only than a Libra who is forced by nature to have balance in life :)

  4. thank you my Dearest Mieke...indeed a beautiful poem in addendum to.....enjoy as well(+)

  5. Thanks as well my Precious Flower of God's Love.....enjoy and I hope I can chat with you soon(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...