Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dance in desperation*

Dance in desperation* 

Desperation, please do not come today
Wretched that you are, to show me this way
My heart maybe lonely with suffering with desires
Do not fuel these passions or I will be engulfed in your fire
My plea is then, to send me a Lover so we may both dance
To end this hardship of Love in heated romance

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. so very sweet, cute. :)

    i sometimes feel like that towards having a reliable job.

    lotza love.

  2. whaaaaaaaat?....no do not say that...just let things go and they work out fine...never be desperate as it is teaching you about your Soul* and how you wait for things to come as the Soul* has been here before and knows everything in what is happening right Now and its only wishes is to enjoy what you are having right Now as it will show you more....you made it this far did you not?..well that was your Soul* in doing so....and it wishes you stay presently to see what is coming for you here in the present...the apple will ripen on the tree and fall do not force it by picking at it before its time....enjoy in the meantime my Precious Flower of god's Love...Love You always(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...