Sunday, March 31, 2013

Warm at heart I spring into*

Warm at heart I spring into*

Welcome to all, the birds and the bees
Winter is now over, buds are in the trees
Flowers that grow, bursting from the seams
A longer time before that has put all in a dream
But now all is awakened to have a fresh new start
It is the Soul* that is in the Universe, right from the heart
Come rejoice of warmer times to stay
And feel this great happiness, each and everyday

Dom*Colucci 2013

A perfect artist*

A perfect artist*

Today is so much different that what I've known
From a Divine Consciousness, all around is shown
The artist has not used paper, paint or pen
But has created another masterpiece, once again
It is really nothing at all effortlessly it goes
Just look here and see openness that knows
Such a beautiful painting that one can see
This is how it becomes, in nature that is free

Dom*Colucci 2013

A real "tree"t*

A real "tree"t*

Oh vibrant life, indeed it seems
A lush carpet of growth that is very green
Nature at it best, a forest rich and free
Shade all around, cool comfort from the trees
All embraced as one, such beauty in sight
It is enhanced by this, the wonder of sunlight

Dom*Colucci 2013

A gentle gift*

A gentle gift*

Gentleness is made, slightly from the wind
Blowing itself around, again and again
It comes through the garden in a breeze
Makes all around itself with comfort and ease
But a little gift has been placed nearby
For it is the beauty on a lilac flower, of pretty butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2013

Hear it? It's spring*

Hear it? It's spring*

The sun in the morning, higher as such
Comes from the east to be out so much
A feeling once again, a breather in the air
Spring is here and goodbye to winter there
Exploding with growth, buds popping open to arise
Reaching their abundance, climbing to the skies
Yes a masterpiece being made that is all around
Nice how all is manifested without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Eternal wave, love*

Eternal wave, love*

It is love that abounds all over the world
Seed from a flower that all does unfurl
Uncovering all in openness that is all around
Unlimited and forever as it will never be bound
The hunger is its passion and romance is what it craves
Blanketing over a heart like on a beach shore and its waves
Forever it shall be as it is in motion
Love is eternal that is wider than the horizon on the ocean

Dom*Colucci 2013

Deep in your eyes, your heart*

Deep in your eyes, your heart*

Pleasant was the evening that was so still
Awaken from my dreams, what a thrill
To have you in my arms and by my side
To look deeply within you and see this in your eyes
I fall even further in a heart that I love in thee
My passions are for you, that love in your eyes I see 

Dom*Colucci 2013

Let it burn itself out*

Let it burn itself out*

Hot is our hearts, love is our spice
Three alarm fire, ring that bell more than twice
Inferno is here, rapidly fanning the flames
Nothing can put this out, this cannot be tamed
Even if a chill comes and it starts to get colder
The only thing this love can do, is to let it smolder

Dom*Colucci 2013

Gentle togetherness*

Gentle togetherness*

Love is togetherness, a wonderful connection

The kind of love I give you is in such affection
My heart engulfs with yours with such love
Coming down from the heavens like sunshine above
For I nurture you and see that our love that will grow
And forever hold you gently like how one holds a rose

Dom*Colucci 2013

Cool sensation in a hot love*

Cool sensation in a hot love*

How can I ever have any resistance in you?
I see it in your eyes, your heart and mine so true
Our passions will always be like this moment on
Fantasies in my wildest dreams, now they have just begun
Come closer love and make this romance alive
Soothe me more and more, like how a waterfall that satisfies

Dom*Colucci 2013

The one to dance with*

The one to dance with*

I hear a rhythm that is in beat with my heart
A sort of an attraction that cannot pull me apart
For what I hear is the sound of a dance
A sort of Latin beat to put you in romance
I get closer and there is only one that I see
She looks in my eyes and wishing to dance with me
I step in and the entwining has begun
Now our close encounter has definitely become one

Dom*Colucci 2013

Passionate flames*

Passionate flames*

A light that sparks in my heart to start from a flame
Now it increases its passion not to be the same
The intensity grows from this wick that I cannot handle
Melting rapidly is my heart, liquefying to a puddle like a candle 
Oh burning love of mine as this love burns higher and higher
Passions from such romance I cannot put out this fire
For what is within my heart that it also yearns
The more I go into this interlude, the quicker the wick shall burn

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Passion stolen away in love*

Passion stolen away in love*

A love we had for such a long time
Everything that came at us, we did not mind
For we knew that deep down in our hearts
That nothing could ever pull us apart

So we sacrificed many things all that we could
Both always loved each other as we knew we would
But who would ever believe that there would come a day
When it is us two that had to part our separate ways

Something from before I did not know that would last
Pulled up deeply some sorrow from the past
A crime held against me, my heart stolen true
I held it back so long because I always loved you

So please love forgive me and I love you so
As this moment I depart and to let you know
That you are always within my heart and have to agree
I must be going now my love and to set you free

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I dream about right here*

I dream about right here*

I lay here frozen and nowhere to be
But to be of solitude deep inside me
To see many dreams that I am to be of
Guided by true heart and always of love
Oh take me away such creative Soul*
Let me watch how all things in life have unfold
For I know right where I am and my heart so dear
To be frozen, not alone and you beside me so near

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A flower springs up*

A flower springs up*

Spring is here, smell its perfume in the air
Alive and kicking, freedom with love everywhere
Mother Nature directing where her art is to be placed
Taking every inch of vibrancy in her space
Nice, as I see happiness floating near and coming by
It has found its flower to land on, oh wonderful butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2013

See, the beauty is within*

See, the beauty is within*

A background of nature to fill one's eye
The blend of such outlines made with the sky
Nothingness that is telling a story, it is shown in sight
No longer there is fiction that is revealed in this light
For what comes out of this that I see
Is a woman of grace, love and such beauty

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Soul* has a queen*

The Soul* has a queen*

Princess to goddess that makes her a queen
The life that this gives you, stolen from a dream
All the finest things of life offered to to you
Already prepared for it knows what to do
As you go through life with such wonderful grace
The beauty of the Soul* is within the eyes of your face

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Easier is the journey with love*

Easier is the journey with love*

Across the heat and desert sands
Desolate from life is where I stand
But my heart beats of love in such beauty in rhythm
Something tells me to press on, it comes from within
A direction that will guide me as this I must face
To walk along in the sands for the winds they chase
Moving by my heart, easier than it ever was now
It was love that opened within, this place did allow

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love, my awakened dream*

Love, my awakened dream*

I have woken up in a beautiful dream
Nice that I went from a princess to queen
A kingdom I belong to as it is love
And the castle in the sky way up above
With this presence of love, my heart does not fail
I wish not to ever leave this wonderful fairy tale

Dom*Colucci 2013

What world is love in?*

What world is love in?*

I know how distance matters to be with you
The more my heart feels good, it is because you are in view
But this is not happening as I feel so left out
This puts weird feelings within me and to have my doubts
For what I see what it is and starting to unfurl
Is that you are beyond, in another world

Dom*Colucci 2013

It starts where it finishes*

It starts where it finishes*

I guess life has balance in it
It comes in and goes out to make it fit
Seems love is also the same way
No bonds or attachments to make it stay
So I stand here with some hurt in my heart
But with such balance, another comes along right from the start

Dom*Colucci 2013

Look, the moon its growing in love*

Look, the moon its growing in love*

Silence came through the evening so still
Romance was in the air, passion was its will
You can  feel something growing in your heart
Like the vines on grapevine that never part
Yes the arrival of mystery came real soon
The beauty of it all, was a wonderful full moon

Dom*Colucci 2013

Cannot beat the melody of love*

Cannot beat the melody of love*

A celebration in life I feel
An open heart that is true and real
Love comes into this heart from all around
A beautiful melody with harmonic sounds
Yes it is romantic vibrations from afar
The beat and the rhythm from a Spanish guitar

Dom*Colucci 2013

No wander to be fonder*

No wander to be fonder*

It is our hearts that met from a long time ago
Through the passage of time, it was love that grows
But we needed a break so we split our ways
And knew that we would definitely come back one day
I have noticed though as my heart started to wander
I needed no one else, absence makes the heart grow fonder

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...