Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wise love*

Wise love*

Let me know of you love, to let me see
To see how true you are for your heart for me
I can tell if your Soul* is with me here
Just by the way you respond when we are so near
Because I do not wish to be of untrue love from the start
For I know deep within myself that I have seen this before
Fools may dance with the music but it is the wise that listens to the heart

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Love but once then it is free*

Love but once then it is free*

Oh butterfly, oh butterfly the one that I see
You come into my life so happy and free
Wings that take you off to that special place
The glow of happiness that shines on your face

To find nectar that sure is so sweet
A flower filled with love, gentleness to meet
But I know you must take off and fly away
For it is your heart with love that knows the way

You came into my life to show the beauty within
As you place your subtle nuances all over again
Maybe one day you will come back to see me
For then I know love returns when you set it free

Dom*Colucci 2013

Stepping into sweet love*

Stepping into sweet love*

Every moment will come as it passes in time
But I am sure that our love will always be fine
We know the way as we take a route
Directed in our hearts to tell the truth
It is a process that in essence grows so strong
Each step with this love knows the heart where it belongs
So with this bond as we do not resist
I long for walking into your lips a sweet kiss

Dom*Colucci 2013

Touched by your love*

Touched by your love*

Love is strong as so it feels
Hearts attracted, lovers they steal
Beauty of being within the company of one
Happiness to most, loneliness to some
But it is where we are to make us strong where we stand
When I know how much you love me when you take my hand

Dom*Colucci 2013

The "rest" is dreams*

The "rest" is dreams*

Seek within me and find my Soul*
Come love in my heart to make us both feel whole
Lay your troubles inside, place your head on my chest
Feel the peace that is within, that makes chaos come to rest
Now close your eyes as we make togetherness as it seems 
And drift off with both our Soul*s in love with our dreams

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love rains deeply in my warm heart*

Love rains deeply in my warm heart*

Come dance with me darling, the music it plays
Not to make your heart idle, love should not stay
Drown me with your passion, rain love all over me
Just make this rhythm flow, like a river that is free

A bundle of joy, as I hold you in my arms
Keeping the candle inside lit and also to be so warm
How delicious you are, this moment it begins
And to feel both our hearts, love deeply sinks within

Dom*Colucci 2013

Where is the moon!*

Where is the moon!*

Oh evening that come in twilight sky
I await with passion with the love in my eyes
You brought me forth to see my lover
As there is no better to be with, to not love another

Longing with this desire in my heart
For nothing shall ever break me apart
Seeing that she will be here very soon
The coming of darkness, the light of moon

The day walks away, for intimacy comes
Satisfied and settle, that day is done
Oh what wonder that this decides
The moon comes in view from where it hides

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How gentle is the rain?*

How gentle is the rain?*

Don't you feel it in the air?
It is so free as the breeze without a care
Joyfully something is about to begin
Like a mist to pass by once again
Yes there is a certain love without the pain
How gentle a cloud must feel, before it releases the rain

Dom*Colucci 2013

Two of hearts, one of love*

Two of hearts, one of love*

Oh lover of mine, I feel you so close
My heart it trembles and really shows
To want you to be next to me
And love you so much so passionately
But when I hear from you, my worries subside
My heart is restored to be so satisfied
I can only be patient that one day will come
When both of us are in our arms to have a heart as one

Dom*Colucci 2013

The only "write" way to love*

The only "write" way to love*

A simple stroke of words with a pen
But really do not know where to begin
Yes I did receive the letter from you
Happy inside my heart not to feel blue
I feel every word that you write to me
Open with love, romantic ecstasy
But a piece of paper can never be love
If this is all I have, 
It will be you then I will be always thinking of

Dom*Colucci 2013 

Friday, September 13, 2013

The dream of Jesus as he awakens*

The dream of Jesus as he awakens*

You gave your life up so all may be free
The love from within you so many could see
You sat in agony pleading for your life in the garden
Asking your Father for another pardon 

But something deep inside you, you had to prove
It was beyond all in consciousness in this truth
And to see if love is going to die
To one day sweep all the tears from everyone's eyes

Your day did come to suffer on a cross
Though you knew that this was not a lost
Looking up and saying ,
"Please forgive them Father for they do not know what they done"
This was the heartbeat of love within that made all in one

You were buried in a tomb and on the third day
You cheated death and decided to go your way
When you arose you went back to see some
To tell them all that now life has begun

But something about you before it all ends
And to go into the heavens before you ascend
You look into Simon Peter in amazement it seems
Simon Peter was astonished and you dissolved from the dream

So in a sense is it dreaming that we suffer from
That when we find our way to get out then it is done
To me I believe that yes this is a dream with a veil
And one day we will awaken to no longer be a prisoner in jail

And we will see the other side as it is meant to be
The peace and joy in such clarity
To never return of a cycle of birth and death
But to receive our life like Jesus in our first breath

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...