Saturday, January 10, 2015

Our place in space*

Our place in space*

There is nothing more from before
Tho once it may have been
But something opened the door
For us to do it again

Repeating not from the past
Where we enter we cannot see
The thought in memory will not last
Letting go of what is, allowing us to be free

Fresh from this as we become
That accepts us in this place
As now a memory is done
 We move on, in Universal space

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Do not "mind"*

Do not "mind"*

Oh logic "mind"
What did you find?
Something to be appeased?

Why do you search?
All the long that you hurt
To never be at ease

Let yourself go
And then you will know
That you never exist

It is emptiness that you are
Now that you have gone this far
From emptiness nothing resists

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Walk on the surface deeply*

Walk on the surface deeply*

Counting each grain of sand
On the shore line it stands
As it sits on a groove

A wave comes in
And it does it again
Only to make them move

So it goes on all the while
The shoreline has miles
The surface pulls in from the depths

Each grain of sand
Goes along as it can
But only the shoreline as it is kept

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Here we are open*

Here we are open*

Oh heavens above
Openness with your love
I see your freedom all the way

Without clouds in the sky
That I know you will not cry
And shed your light and warmth of the day

Gentle as I see
Texture in letting it be
The space in forever is clear

Where does one go?
Only that one really knows
For forever that is clear is right here

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Wrinkled at the trunk
Roots sagging deeper
Leaves are so light to hold*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Dark field of vastness
There is a hole in the wall
But the moon is in the way*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


A journey ahead
To acquire from the deep
Home is in sight*

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Nature understands*

Nature understands*

To awaken this morning under gloom of sky
What is conditioned, the dark spot of thine eye
Feeling of such misery to not be content
The heart seems lost and happiness is spent
But in essence it has nothing to do with Universal whole
Only to turn this around and see within the Soul*
For then a reason is seen and one has let go
Nature is moving forward in doing what it knows
If you understand this nature then you will see
Not everyday will be sunny, there must be cloudy days and let them be

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Walk and see what is here*

Walk and see what is here*

Come walk with me for a million miles
I will watch over you for a long, long while
You need not plan in the life ahead
But I am in your heart to live this moment instead
For I have been here before, to see you through
And know every step that you will be going into
Life is within you presently, it is your heart
Do not move beyond to be separate and apart
So with this that you are now with me
No longer shall you search to look, for it is I to make you see

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Symphony of winter*

Symphony of winter*

A cloud is shivering, a frozen sound
Look in the heavens in what is coming down
See it blow so gentle and free
A state of happiness, a rhapsody
Going to and fro, destination unknown
Silent music in the wind, lightly a song
It gives itself up for heaven's sake
The dance of togetherness, many a snowflake

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Cold is not at home*

Cold is not at home*

Oh raven, oh raven
What is that to which you are craven
Seeing the winter with its cold arctic air

The winds they doth blow
Frozen all round, only grows
No escape from here to there

A mask to hide from
But cannot be done
Lest ye not be well aware

So go out, seek and find
To be in another state of mind
And hope of comfort comes in your lair

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...