Friday, July 10, 2015

Adherence to seeing what sees*

Adherence to seeing what sees*

An illusion and trick of this world to be in
Time comes with struggle again and again
Deceived into conformity seems right after birth
But as I press on with this, it is no worth

Doing my best to figure it all out
The deeper that I get with it, nothing but doubt
No awakening yet, the waste of another day
More of the glue of ignorance that really stays

So how does one break from what one has been taught
Be free from memories and see what needs to be sought
I guess the moment will come on its own accord
And leave all these notions that I cannot afford

Enlightenment will be when I am free of my "mind"
Allowing all things to be free of themselves and that will be fine
With this then there is nothing more that I can do
It is something I cannot see but instead it sees me in its view

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A journey with my eyes*

A journey with my eyes*

Where darkness becomes the least
It is the sun that arises in the east
To move about in the azure sky
Pushing clouds away, that wish to cry

Oh radiant light in heaven's place
Spreading your rays of gold to embrace
But you must move onward sometime soon
To pull along a smiling moon

As quickly as the day comes to an end
You will visit in this same place once again
So now from what the day's eyes did their best
You walk away into the dream and leave with a rest

Dom*Colucci © 2015


  Golden dragon aflame Clouds to hide River is running away* Dom*Colucci © 2014