Sunday, August 28, 2016

I am here always*

I am here always*

From the time you awoke with your eyes
I was already walking across the skies
There was no obstacle in my way
My radiance took me through this day
But for now after this guiding plight
I must tuck beyond the horizon for the night
But fret not for this is not my end
I shall be back real soon, once again

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Emptiness free flowing*

Emptiness free flowing*

Autumn preview, the search ends
Twists in life, the tree limbs bend
Not to capture every moment that is seen
Detached from illuison, look it's a dream

Stillness has now been chosen, entered in my heart
Settled in this present, why should I depart
Blood becomes effortless allowing in its flow
My heart swells with love, as all I let go

Stream of consciousness all is clear
Pointing back within myself, centered to be here
Passing of life, like boats on the river Yangtze
Om Mani Padme Hum, to be free and empty

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

Mother Nature stops by to open the door*

Mother Nature stops by to open the door*

Gazing outward upon the limit where this begins
Knowing that there are no boundaries from within
An opening it seems, partial clearing in the door
But a movement in another angle, as I can see more

Immobile I stay and absorb this to be still
Peace at hand that is with me, now becomes my will
Taking in more silence, nature outside this door speaks
It is divine communication in which the Soul* needs and seeks

Only a couple sounds of utterance from birds as they say
This is an awakening to tell me walk with joy of this day
So when I heard of this now happy that I see
If it was not for Mother Nature, this way I could never be

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Walk this way home*

Walk this way home*

Alone in this moment as I drift away
All around in detachment no longer to stay
A deeper sense of being to walk to the abode
My heart patiently settles to release a heavy load

The closer I get, feeling the embrace with its arms
A richer feeling of acceptance as this turns warm
I can never look back in where I just came
Just like a lit candle wick with its flame

Tho there may not be nothing here but empty space
But that is OK, all of what use to be is erased
Within that I become and chaos has now ceased
I have found my home within and all of its peace

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A little pain made it rain*

A little pain made it rain*

Spring that hath come to be reborn
Days longer to be in feel its warmth
A mixture of colors and everywhere to be green
Joyous and abundant life, yes it is seen

This all is coming out as wonders from the start
Look at what is divine, a masterpiece of art
But what is this, summer here soon
A different phase in the sky, postioning the moon

So the haze and humidity starts to rob the air
Atmosphere of heat, it does not care
Slowly all the green begins its death
The heat is pulling away life and its breath

A plea from nature, our life do not take away
Let us show more of our beauty at least for another day
But pain from the heat still lingers so
Death all around, nothing to grow

But the clouds up above feel sorry you see
They would rather bring back joy instead of misery
Something inside them wants to release its pain
Yes it is love, as it starts to cry tears of rain

Life that seemed to have shriveled up to die
But another cheek has turned and hurt made it cry
Abundant now this feels to do this like it began
Once more it is like spring to make all green again

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...