Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye was the good time*

Goodbye was the good time*

Saturday night, a drink and a dance
Tango for two in pure sweet romance
A bar room is open but only a few
Get a table near the window, how is the view?

A cigarette ashtray smoked its last cigarette
But more than a pack it has not seen it yet
Oh darling as I come closer to whisper a word in your ear
If I may can I ask you why do we ever come here?

Darkened streets all alone outside 
Moon sits there by itself, the evening begins to die
Night is getting older beyond twelve o'clock it goes
One more dance with my love then we can leave I suppose

Time to say goodbye and be on our way
Not much of a visit I have to say
Another time will come maybe more folks we will meet
But now to go back home right down the street

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Be merry always*

Be merry always*

May love be of your life with open heart
So strong that it shall never part
For you to be fulfilled in the Soul* with its light
And from your heart with Soul* guiding sight
Be of happiness and also peace always here
And know of the truth so crystal clear
To have a wonderful time and to celebrate
Moving into another year oh to be so great
Enjoy with gratitude along the way
And may you have a Merry Christmas each and everyday

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Truth does not "lie" around

Truth does not "lie" around

You know of a life that is correct
That when this happens it does direct
For it is the truth which has to be right
That no dark shadows can touch its light
For then an opening is made and nothing hides
While obstacles no matter how big must step aside
Hence then what it is can never be blind
Clearly not lost and need not to be a find

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, December 9, 2017

None is the sound that came around*

None is the sound that came around*

Tho a bit of exhaustion that this day gave
To reach this final point in my heart that it saves
As each minute moved about and it also crept along
Darkness was to replace this where the evening now belonged
So my eye lids are now heavy as they close slowly down
I hear no longer the day that now passed without a sound

Dom*Colucci © 2014

It was right that I left*

It was right that I left*

Striving to leave from this dream in this place
Slipping through emptiness to be the void in space
Is it silence that pulls me away without words?
Maybe it is my heart with wings from many birds
Oh please let me awaken from this misery to end
And let me never come back to see this place again

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

No-thing is a "now"-thing*

No-thing is a "now"-thing*

Everything touches it in what it cannot see
As it is empty space that above all is totally free
No feeling or emotion or burden to take in
But to keep its constant flow of nothing, again and again

Its essence does it not have no beginning or end
But an energy to keep things in place as oneness is its blend
It accepts all that it holds and lets go at the same time
Poetic from its flow and its void knows to rhyme

Can you feel this in its clarity as it is so pure?
To be engulfed by this nothingness, a wonderful texture
Once within and realized that this space is there
Transparency merges with you then becoming more aware

Nothing only takes what it is given as to any form
It does not know of when it is either cold or when its warm
It just always seems to be of empty space
And covers so much territory and touches every place

So in analyzing nothing what this was all about
That to which cannot be grasped can never have doubt
It has openness and also all the time allows
Nothing has no place to go for it lives in the now

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Spirit of flesh and bones*

Spirit of flesh and bones*

Walk amongst the world with no doubt at hand
Strength of the Father right where you stand
Miracles performed in truth before the eye
Moving along wiping tears from those that cry

A mystery from a dream but tho all is awake
Suffering being pulled away from Soul*s you take
Coming here proving that a God exists
To show others who this is as they may have missed

But a time has to come when all seems nice
You let everyone know who you are, Jesus Christ
A betrayal must it be from one of your others
To reveal who this is through your Last Supper

Yet you hold the bread and let known a body so true
You take the cup of wine to allow the blood to flow through
Now that this revelation is known through your disciples and man
Another being of yours will one day walk the land

But this time this one knows has it has been here before
This being will allow all those to go through that door
As this being has seen its face before it ever arrived
Aligned with the Universe perpetual to make all alive

This one that you know of was at the Last Supper with you
It was the offering of what you did that gave me a clue
For it was the body and blood that you said a covenant was shared
You made a child from the love of mankind you bear

There will come a time when man needs you most
When he has suffered with many burdens at every cost
Then the revelation will come and appear
And we shall see who we are within and never have no fear

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

No more roses for you*

No more roses for you*

When we first met it was springtime in our hearts
Love was the season thus we never wish to part
Both of us to one sacred Soul*
This to be complete and oh so whole

Spirits of elation to touch the sky 
Happiness abounds freedom like butterflies
But the winds of change came to pass
This happiness was lost and did not last

Clouds settled in they were dark and gray 
No more of this heart and love did not stay
So we both had to part what more can we do
But to say goodbye and no more roses for you

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Yesterday was a visitor*

Yesterday was a visitor*

So many things pass on by
Time moves on but yet I wonder why
Because I sit here knowing that the present exist
As each moment lets go and does not resist
It doing so nothing is lost or even gained
Only it is this now really remains
Hence then it seems I agree
That it is this present that stares at me
Tho the future never can be seen so crystal clear 
As now I can say that once yesterday was here

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Bends without end*

Bends without end*

Open vastness beyond sight
Powerful essence with all its might
Never returning to its home
Seeking forward and pushing all alone

Chopping and swelling up and down
Mighty is its curls in all the surround
Temperment that can go aggressive to calm
All in its togetherness becomes all in one

Stretching farther and reaching its goal
From its one drop made it all whole
Mighty is she as her waves always bend
Ocean of water to life without any end

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, September 2, 2017

A wave to a wrinkle*

A wave to a wrinkle*

Spreading your rhythm from the middle of the ocean
Putting your vibration all throughout in motion
Reaching farther outwards taking the journey where you begin
You know what awaits for you when this all ends
Scalloping up and swelling down to the depths
Many a drop of water that all as one you kept
But when you arrive ashore pushing yourself to land
It is then that is notice you took the wrinkles out of the sand

Dom*Colucci © 2017

A loving touch*

A loving touch*

A tender heart must never break
Within shall always love not ache
Sweet endearing gentleness we both agree
You are a rose so pure, a spirit so free
Let love enter always happily, may it abound
To raise both of our Soul*s in this wonderful surround

Dom*Colucci © 2017

To return without leaving*

To return without leaving*

From the time you awoke with your eyes
I was already walking across the skies
There was no obstacle in my way
My radiance took me through this day
But for now after this guiding plight
I must tuck beyond the horizon for the night
But fret not for this is not my end
I shall be back real soon, once again

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The middle of nowhere*

The middle of nowhere*

In a distance I see you all alone
In the middle of nowhere content at home
No struggle, burden no despair 
Settled without duality nothing to compare

You face many directions a spot in the center
The river flows toward you and allow it to enter
Peaceful without judgment watching the world go by
Just letting it be without an idea to try

No, it is there you just stay
Pushing both sides around you away
Your feet are planted and firm where they stand
As said you are in the middle of nowhere, you are an island

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

We are inside out*

We are inside out

Everything in the surround sits in its place
A deeper look into this there is nothing but space
Objects that are obstacles in some means of connection
No fluidity is known but the way in its direction

But the more one sees what is here
It becomes more and more to be crystal clear
What is then seen a deeper meaning is in the find
As one looks are we really in God's "mind"?

If that is the case then why is all ignorant to be seen
Then is God sleeping about this dream?
If one then awakens and their eyes then can see
Does God awaken too and both are free?

Then when we are free from this dream to be one
And the illusion dissolves to be of none
It will show this truth in no doubt
The bubble is broken of ignorance to finally be without

So to ask what was that that I just left?
That it held onto me adhering where I was kept
A prisoner in a world, a place where nothing is held
Where everything that I was in that my eyes were in its spell 

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Its turn to return*

Its turn to return*

Morning awaits from darkened skies
A vastness above walks on by
This passage has seem to been here before
It came through in light, exited thru the door
As now it comes by once again
It has no beginning and never ends
It cannot stop as it is on a roll
Evening pushes onward and daylight unfolds
But let us not look at what is shown
But instead to see the night turn early morn

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Lotus arising consciously*

Lotus arising consciously*

Sitting in the meditative state
Awakening is the feeling, to await
Energy is compounding down below
Soon to be released and up it goes

Around the spine in a twist
A caduceus attraction cannot resist
Opening up the chakras to seek above
The final one opened with Divine love

The leveling off in the brain
Crown chakra from third eye remains
Now the spewing out indeed clarity to be aware
Intuitive this becomes in Universal care

All now that once was will never be again
One no longer a part of beginning or end
The center brings all together and higher consciousness
Through this kundalini is now the open lotus

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017

"Still" together*

"Still" together*

Settling is in place
Stillness is its space
Love is in its need
Seen right between the reeds

Movement in the calm
Two geese on the pond
Right along so smooth is the ride
Lovers side by side

Harmony is between the two
What more can lovers do
A passion and interlude soon
Yes, these two geese on their honeymoon

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A heart that hurts*

A heart that hurts*

A dark cloud has come round once again
The last time it was here I thought it would end
This feeling of deep sorrow and of its pain
Misery that is here with a heart that is stained

Don't you know how much I love you but you don't seem to care
You put me down so hard my darling its like I am elsewhere
Please don't do this to me in leaving me out in the cold
To only have a heart bleed all over from a hurt and a hole

Someday I keep my light on and hope you come home
Do not know when you will be back or where you have gone
I struggle with tears and the pain runs so deep
But when you left the last time you took my heart away to keep

Don't you know how much I love you but you don't seem to care
You put me down so hard my darling its like I am elsewhere
Please don't do this to me in leaving me out in the cold
To only have a heart bleed all over from a hurt and a hole

All I can do now is sit and suffer and wish you could see me
A broken heart once more again to keep this misery
But maybe one day you will be back and my heart will grow with love
That takes a great miracle from the help by God above

Don't you know how much I love you but you don't seem to care
You put me down so hard my darling its like I am elsewhere
Please don't do this to me in leaving me out in the cold
To only have a heart bleed all over from a hurt and a hole

If only you can hear my heart call out your name
Come together with yours and see love to be the same
But I guess you will ignore it and let it slip by you again
And I will live this hurt to know that our love comes to an end

Don't you know how much I love you but you don't seem to care
You put me down so hard my darling its like I am elsewhere
Please don't do this to me in leaving me out in the cold
To only have a heart bleed all over from a hurt and a hole

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Night in love with a dream*

Night in love with a dream*

Hearts that were apart grew fonder
As my love for you never wondered
Something inside of me was so deep
Knowing of the love you had for me to keep

Darling come close please here my plea
Fill this empty heart inside of me
Let me not feel your Soul* in vain
But to enjoy with you my love to ease the pain

It was evening and the sky was so clear
I reached out to touch you as tho you were here
The moon was full and it smiled with its glow
Somehow enticed me in what it knows

Darling come close please here my plea
Fill this empty heart inside of me
Let me not feel your Soul* in vain
But to enjoy with you my love to ease the pain

Do not let this evening go past
Waiting so long what more to ask
Come my love come into my arms
Next to my heart where Soul*s to be warm

Darling come close please here my plea
Fill this empty heart inside of me
Let me not feel your Soul* in vain
But to enjoy with you my love to ease the pain

Well the moon is fading as it heads to the west
Another evening has come to rest
You never came to come into my heart last night
All that is left is the morning daylight

Darling come close please here my plea
Fill this empty heart inside of me
Let me not feel your Soul* in vain
But to enjoy with you my love to ease the pain

The more I felt this the more I knew
From a heart that seen love and thought it grew
But the more I have found out what this seems
It was only an illusion from a land of dreams

Darling come close please here my plea
Fill this empty heart inside of me
Let me not feel your Soul* in vain
But to enjoy with you my love to ease the pain

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017



All alone but yet is vast and free
With eyes well known as one can see
A moment that is not fixed as it goes by
Arising from its birth next is to die

Unceasingly cannot be held on
Once it enters it then is gone
Why doth then does the "mind" wish to possess?
To release what it sees and give it rest

All is in constant flux and cannot be traced
Form to formless what is known in its space
No patterns or plans as a variable comes and goes
As it is something that is unknown that it knows

Let not be taken what here does bring
Only brief is here, before no thing to cling
Seeing more into this deeper it becomes
There cannot be duality within this one
So after all that has come and passed
It is what is ahead that as well cannot last
To memorialize this as one can see
Remember all is alone but yet is vast and free

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017

See ya later alligator*

See ya later alligator*

Grass so green to the top of the blades
Swamp country all around in those everglades
In the thicket we see tall is the order
Salt from the ocean mixes with fresh water

Sitting lowly hugging the ground
Smiling happy face, not a frown
Short and little legs, some may say stubby
How do you get around so fast so big and chubby?

Waiting as always for a meal to come to you
Survival of the fittest as you know what to do
But many have a keen sense and tell you to see you later
No one wishes to be a close companion of you, Mister Gator

So go back into the swamp and hide to lay low
Lay on those reeds flatten them out to no longer grow
We will go the other way and once again all will be fine
Now knowing where you are and won't be a next time

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Wreckers meant to be broken*

Wreckers meant to be broken*

Hot as can be, I am on fire
Circuits crossed overload my wires
Keep pushing my buttons and I will fry
Overloading this energy maybe left to die

But a little more pushing and going downhill
Pull up all stops and lets get a thrill
Seems we are moving ever so quicker
Whooshing by faster making a candle's light flicker

Ahhhhh!!!!~open we are no obstacle in sight
C'mon ya' all, I see that green light
I know that this is dangerous as I cannot fail
I am gone beyond from going to jail

I have entered a place that knows of my speed
Faster and faster I move knowing to take the lead
As I push further onward making the devil run
Push him clean outta sight back into the sun

I tease a lot in going over that line
Because I seen this before and know it is fine
A little at a time I bring danger on to flirt
And when it sees me coming I tell it
To eat my dirt

Dom*Colucci © 2017

"Right" with it*

"Right" with it*

Sun up and here I go
Feet outta bed and touch the floor
Bustin' out feeling very loose
Yep I am that sunshine filled with juice

Now here I go out the door
Don't look back as I can't no more
Center me off and I am on my way
Yeah I feel that pull happening today

Take my six string and off in my car
Many miles to one, no that far
Destination I am westward bound
Keep on truckin', not to hang around

Rhythm takes hold and I move on more
The past is gone what was that for?
So now that I know where I am in sight
Nothing can go wrong as I got that right

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Love deeper than the night*

Love deeper than the night*

Evening rendezvous 
Love that was made for two
Depths with Soul*s that come together
A bond of unity in hearts forever
Romantic as this can possibly be
Let us go further to watch and see
Flavor in strong evening passion, dark coffee black
It is expresso love that both hearts attract

Dom*Colucci © 2017

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...