Sunday, August 25, 2019

There is no duality in light

There is no duality in light

Everywhere one goes they can see of its condition
Looking for the meanings or of its definition
The more one seeks for it the more one looses grip
Like holding onto running water through its hands it slips

But only it is ignorance that pursues more and more
From this only obstacles one achieves without open doors
For a fool is born that only existence is its lie
Hence the tail is being chased more and more, I say why?

This is a form of duality in obsessive thinking
No balance to stay afloat the center is only sinking
Remember that once there was a tree that had wrong and right
That is duality but there is none to be one when one becomes light


Dom*Colucci © 2019

My eyes took two steps inward*

My eyes took two steps inward*

To be at a calm state within
To exist with nothingness without end
I deeply turn my eyes inward and start this peace
There cannot be no objective as my being is at ease

This moment fill with subtleties walks away
Disappearing immediately as nothing stays
Open is my mind and my heart
Combining the two reflecting not apart

The deeper my eyes see within this path I go
The void in allowance it is wisdom that I will know
For in this wisdom, my inherent jewel is my key
There then cannot be a lock that holds back from being free

Yes I have attained this wonder I see that comes about
Shadows, illusions and ignorance leaves and even doubt
What now I know of this that I hold
Clarity in perception is about to unfold

To be no longer an external existence which is wrong
Only what knows of me as I know of it and where now I belong
Yes I have come home to see where I have always begin
The journey inward is where I am, again and again

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

33 is really the home for me*

33 is really the home for me*

From the beginning of realizations
And a mathematical God within His creations
All of life had nothing to do in what I look at
For it is what I look at is not this but that

An awakening looms closer to being home
There cannot be duality when one is alone
As hints come to this one in many numbers of the same
Now I see the purpose in life why I came

It has nothing to do with the agenda of external man
It is personal, individual and a greater meaning where I stand
The numbers can give that one a clue without discriminatory selection
The numbers come to what is within and giving that one direction

Hence if you are like me and you consistently see this number
It does not slip from memory but makes you  remember
I just recently had a ah ha moment and it finally gave me my purpose to see
That number always has been through my life I found out was my origin and that number is 33

Dom*Colucci © 2019

The awakening and the Lord's Prayer*

The awakening and the Lord's Prayer*

Our Father, who art in heaven
This is the last chakra from the call of seven
Hallow be thy name
So sacred as it came
Thy kingdom come
To be within as one
Thy will be done
Hence all shadows to be none
On earth as it is in heaven
Rise above as tho one is leavened
Give us this day our daily bread
My direction is no longer external but internal instead
And forgive our trepasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
For within a peaceful heart, it is letting go a must
And lead us not into temptation
To be free from illusions is our salvation
For ever and ever amen
As this is eternal with no end

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

If you see what I see, then you see yourself, eh?*

If you see what I see, then you see yourself, eh?*

Do you have some sort of suffering in your life?
Do you continuously hit a brick wall with all your strife?
Do you really listen to yourself before you react?
Did you know of a place that can get you back on track?

If you do not know then you still seek for what is wrong
And from this seeking can the answer be near not too long?
I say yes as what you focus on to be true
It is as plain as the nose on your face, yes its in view

That person that is giving you the wrong ideas to start from
Is the same person who has completed their suffering to be done
You see all you are doing is following a crowd
And that crowd knows nothing of itself as its suffering is allowed

But with a little smarts you can turn this around
You are no longer of the seeking and lost in the surround
Yes you stand out for yourself as this is what was always meant to be
And from this being it never shall look for what it knows inside, it sees

Dom*Colucci © 2019

The Soul* is your school*

The Soul* is your school*

From the dawn of creation
We have all had expectations
We seem to leave right were we are
And be in a future so distant and far

As there is a barrier that holds us back
Not knowing what is within is what we lack
Hence then we will never leave right here
For only the wise will know of what is near

Let ignorance be the teacher of the fools
They are the ones who seek knowledge in all types of schools
It is not the education of scholars and books
But take a deeper seeing and turn eyes that look

Then you will know what gift is given to you
That ah ha moment in plain view
Yes it was always you that need not seek
Go right ahead and see to take a peek

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

He that is is this not that*

He that is is this not that*

There once was a man who lived here from ago
It seemed that all doors were closed and moved to and fro
He did his best to stay in line and to keep up with all
But every time he did so the obstacle was too tall

So he accepted this and was on auto pilot all the time
Most of the times he suffered and felt like he was losing his "mind"
Until one day did come and he seen something to break free from
It was what he was paying attention to, yes this is what he done

So he knew if this side was the direction he did not belong
Then the other side of this had even a better song
Now he gives thanks to gratitude within
This is what he lacked from before, now he knows where to begin

It is the same man but one side of himself leaned that way to much
That was the side of himself that he lost his spiritual touch
Hence what is needed is a refection of both sides of the brain
This then becomes the whole from what was lost now has been claimed

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Frequent visitation becomes crystal clear now*

Frequent visitation becomes crystal clear now*

I sit with all silence and stillness in the surround
Only a whisper of wind swirls to me all around
As I get deeper inside of who I am right here
Sight unknown directs me into being crystal clear

Touched by vibration of the Universe and feel origin of home
The sound from stillness and silence now becomes "OM*"
So this becomes of balance now this is my key to stay
I see who I am and my eyes look within this way

For the light shows me of being real no longer illusion 
The light is the truth, the lie disappears and truth is conclusion
There can not be duality no shadows to hide behind
For now when the truth comes within to knowing the path of the "mind"

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Attitude of tomorrow is yesterday which is now*

Attitude of tomorrow is yesterday which is now*

How do you feel in a moment like this?
Do you have a great happy feeling or negative to resist?
Remember right where you are means a lot to what is within
As this has powerful energy as it is Karmic to do it again

So if your energy has a negative twist and you are in that rut
You are still in the shell and not the fruit of the nut
It is your Soul* that wishes to expand and grow
But if you still harbor your misery you will never know

Because you see that like attracts like as this is a law
Maybe you do not know of this but this could be your flaw 
Hence what you are of yesterday is in the moment now
For what is of yesterday to now tomorrow accepts and allows

So bring with always that happy sensation you are
Leave that negative behind and make it away from you afar
The more you practice with this in positive affirmation form
Each moment that you now walk in is now and you are always reborn

Dom*Colucci © 2019

No longer to depart but the start*

No longer to depart but the start*

When my being came into this world
It was a place where within began to unfurl
But something along the road happened to me
I was caught up in a bind and could not see

Instead my eyes where taught to look out
And to experience a negative world with doubt
The path of suffering began to take its roots
And no longer I could ever see who this is within and the truth

Then I began to seek people and followed
But all I ever learned was more to wallow
One day came and it was something I seen
Something inside began know who I am and what I mean

It was no longer what was external and I did let go
The deeper I delved into this the more now I know
That I came into this world to see who I am
With no agendas no more and to be firm where I stand

Now I know that the world when I look outside my eyes
That what is out there is not the truth but a magnificent lie
So it took many years to return where I start
But now I know who I am and I shall no longer be apart

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, August 4, 2019

End the cycle of emotional despair*

End the cycle of emotional despair*

A big difference from becoming itself over and reincarnate
The resolution is over in one and the other begins its fate
Coming back over with contrast to do it again
Simple is a lesson to have it come to its end

As judgment shows its ugly face to give it a stare
To the one who is awake there is no judging to be aware
So when we find true self as this is our nature to be
No longer that our eyes look but within we see

The analogy of this  is like apples on a tree
Fall to the ground and do it again with seeds so free
Or a wave from the ocean like one behind it to the shore
Keep coming back in rhythm to do it once more

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Kung Fu~breath over mountain*

Kung Fu~breath over mountain*

From the clouds in the sky
Break up an opening as they go by
Whisper silent words from a breeze
Touch a mountain, glide through it with ease

The mountain receives what this feels
Simple as it touches, this is real
In so doing a mountain remains still
Breathing in and out, nothing against its will

As its foundation that was laid remains in its lock
It started off as a pebble and grew into a rock
From this rock enormously it did grow high
And now at its pinnacle, it can overlook and breathe in the sky

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Never go back when you are here*

Never go back when you are here*

Do you ever think about how far you come?
Where you ended up from where you begun?
That so many things came you did before
Some had obstacles and some had opened doors

But every endeavor you went through you seemed to pass
There were moments in them but now they no longer last
It is amazing how magical that that can really feel
Like a revolving door returning as tho it is a wheel

Karmic as it may be but the lesson you had to learn
Karma is always this place you have to return
Until the lesson is gone old things hang on to be
You will not be who you are in what you see

But if you do find out what the lesson is about
You will raise your vibration higher without a doubt
Then you will know you never go back where you came from
But where you come from is where you start as one

Dom*Colucci © 2019

What is there is here*

What is there is here*

Where did this all come from?
It exist presently but is never done
Illusions that are objects sit in front of our eyes
Seeing them for only a moment, then disappears and dies

They must have come from somewhere, an origin we don't know
And a reality that we put them there never to let go
We wish to have possession but possession is that not us
In such domination and right to have, never to end such fuss

Gravity is then our essence and attraction is so too
These are the only tools in existence there is really not much more to do
Life then on this planet as it spins around in the same place
A virtual illusion that sits in the middle of space

Tho there could be one day to see enlightenment exist
To break away from an attached illusion with nothing to resist
Hence that then there would be clarity, truth and to be free
But for the time we are still here, it is there to be here and this is all we see

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...