Sunday, February 21, 2021

Time goes by*

Time goes by*

 Twas a wonderful day that came up to noon

A lover in the background one to be swooned

A delight to feel comfort with atmosphere so breezy

That to my spirit within to make it so pleasing

Drifting each moment another goes by gets better

Not a cloud in the sky but forever blue is the weather

Now the time at this bistro to digest in a taste of tea

To also wonder about my lover wondering if he loves me

I have no idea where he is or when he will stop by

So I will just sit here, enjoy and watch time fly

Dom8Colucci © 2021

Have to hand it to you*

Have to hand it to you* 

Imagine of a place that has been always here

But we are so vague in knowing this as it is not clear

A place that struggle is always without

A place that has direction and never no doubt

Yes there is such a place in existence we cannot see

This place that sees us always but we are not free

Freedom we believe in agendas that are really not true 

Mostly everyone clouded by their ignorant veil and have no clue

If we only strive a bit more in knowing this to be real

It is all accordance in knowing into what we have to feel

Then maybe from that other side where this place where it stands

Will one day reach out to us in its happiness in giving us a hand

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

W(h)eather or not*

W(h)eather or not* 

Did you ever notice on the atmosphere?

A feeling that can only bring you right here

As it could be warm or could be cold

A mix of both that is within the fold

But really does this exist as it does not last

A story that comes by then it passed

To an awakened being this takes no part

Right where the awakened one is is their only start

So to that awakened being there is no labels man gives

That is not the way that one lives

Hence to man that does not see this in their spot

The awakened one just moves on in that place w(h)eather or not

Dom*Colucci* © 2021

Myth has no lift*

Myth has no lift* 

Look around you and see if it is real

It is only a motion picture no one can feel

But those that do feel this to be a life

A reality placed in the consciousness filled with strife

They keep believing in things that are in the illusion

And their "thoughts" only keep going with delusions

As to what is seen is really a myth

No higher consciousness can give it a lift

Yet all lust for that anchor that keeps them in a bind

For it is stuck not to be an awakened mind  

Hence then day and night and all that we see from the ground

Is only a reflection of a picture that is in the surround

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Being hidden?

Being hidden?

 Does one know about be an enlightened being?

It is for those who no longer have to look but in their seeing

Yet many still have a desire to search

That there is something of great value while they are on earth

But those that do see seek no longer of this value at all

They know it is an endless trap that for one can fall

And it spirals out of place in a continuum of misery

Hoping that that one day will make them free

So today the world I look at is with different eyes

And the external world is not real and passes by

One day came by and just looked the other way as I did

And did not even know of this world I now see was never hid

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Truth sees with no looks*

Truth sees with no looks*

 Can one ever explain what the truth is?

Is it something that really truly exists

If it does what does it look like anyways

Could it be a direction that points and stays?

Is it that is all around us is in simulation?

As something is in control that is giving us direction?

If that is the case what purpose do we serve?

If it controls us and it it's not God, it has some nerve

But I do believe this truth has its meaning

And it is one of those things if you look, you're not seeing

As Pontius Pilate asked Jesus what is the truth?

Jesus remained quiet, he knew it points back and that is its proof

So you can now see how difficult it is in a logical mind

One can spend a lifetime searching for its find

And all it is as it is plain as day

Is that it sits in front of your face and is never swayed

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...