Sunday, July 11, 2021

You are complete now as before*

You are complete now as before* 

Not yet known but the unknown already does

A part of consciousness departs as now this is and that was

The part that is the unknown has awakened and made form

To know that the physical that is being created can now be born

It starts from a micro cell which is the heart 

Then travels making veins to carry blood as tho it is in a cart

It then proceeds to make a nervous system to it may have feelings

To make those emotions to be let out and not for concealing

Making functions to run proper inner workings to this being

And to have eyes to seek within and know what it is seeing

But seeing that all this is in the awakening state

There is an addendum to carry with it is the mind and its fate

If this being choses to not see but to seek

It will one be lost and the search could be many weeks

But if this being sees why it is here

Then it has lost interest in the external world and now truth is clear

Yet the biggest test of all is to see if those eyes look instead

And become this external an illusion looking for its logic in its head

Favor always goes to the underdog that needs no logic at all

And to be the spirit to arise and not an object that falls

So this short narration came from a voice within

And this voice knows all of an origin are always in

Hence no search is ever needed to take place or compete

We were made from the inside out and knows the way as this is complete

Dom*Colucci © 2021


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...