Sunday, December 29, 2024

Fruit ready to be ripened*


Fruit ready to be ripened*


Oh, seed of majestic apple tree

This growth you belong I do see

It is your fruit that you have to bear

As all your branches equally share

But it is maturity that waits for one to call

When sun ripened, that one has learned wisdom to fall


Dom*Colucci 2010

Blank in being nothing at all*


Blank in being nothing at all*


I can see this now, nothing loss or gain

For the blank in life is simply plain

The nothingness is you moving like the wind

Not stopping at all but going again

There is no goal as this comes from behind

The push is true and it is awareness not mind


Dom*Colucci 2010

Well aware when you are not there*


Well aware when you are not there*


Amazing what you see, it is all about where

You stand in the middle of what is out there

You are tempted in involving with a dare

It should be where you stand that makes you aware

If you stay put with peace and calm, in where this is and stop

Situations in your life will stay alone and up they will never crop


Dom*Colucci 2010

A tomb that was an awakened womb*


A tomb that was an awakened womb*


Oh, planted one, it is your seed

In your darkness there are weeds

But you feel the warmth, it is so right

It is the feeling above of such light

Now you progress of this womb

Relieving this in silence from a buried tomb


Dom*Colucci 2010

The easy life is Now*


The easy life is Now*


 Oh, banquet of life as it is right here

Openness in one's eyes to see crystal clear

Joy of all for there is no strife

Growing every moment in the easy life

Bestowing all that is to be allowed

Every minute passed is no longer here but Now


 Dom*Colucci 2010

Light of happiness*


Light of happiness*


Brilliant sunshine and warmer air

Rays of golden for all to share

Warmth in being and feeling fine

Hearts loving light, always shine

Brightness bringing in the day we see

More of this light to make all happy


Dom*Colucci 2010

Let it be and you will see*


Let it be and you will see*


Spirit in the sky with your gentle touch

Loving in this space always all so much

Freely moving around, soaring in the sky

More moments of happiness I see in my eyes

This heart is doing well in love and joy I see

Enjoying every second and letting things just be


Dom*Colucci 2010

Force nothing into thin air*


Force nothing into thin air*


Brisk winds of air blow by

Not a trace of clouds in the sky

Blowing and hugging every turn

No campfire or candle will even burn

This force is great so it seems

More powerful than a rapid running stream


Dom*Colucci 2010

You are from day one, you*


You are from day one, you*


To know the knowledge of one is true

But knowledge outside thyself will not do

This is poison and bring you to the grave

Soul* will try in its best to see you are saved

You know exactly who you are from the point of your birth

Just showing up in this existence to be, is all it is worth


Dom*Colucci 2010

Seeing crystal clear*


Seeing crystal clear*


Oh pond of reflection what do you see?

Is there something of value in front of me?

"Look a little closer", it says back

See beyond the veil, from concrete to abstract

The sheen that made you look was blind

Now with transparency to be seeing, is fine


Dom*Colucci 2010

See at a higher existence*

See at a higher existence*


See it as it looks back at you

For it is you, that life you go through

Do not fight it and do not resist

This moment is teaching you something not to miss

Go about it in the way it transpires

Elevating yourself from your wildest desires


Dom*Colucci 2010

Whatever goes around is around*


Whatever goes around is around*


The sun goes in a roundabout sky

Pushing the moon around as it passes by

Such an effortless path as it takes

For the Love of God, for heaven's sake

Easily moving this will come around again

Settling in the west but the east it will begin


Dom*Colucci 2010

Waiting as I left, right?*

Waiting as I left, right?*


See me here, for there I will not be

For I am not you and you are not me

I listen to what is deep within

A voice tells me soon, to move on again

Realizing, it is me that is standing right in front of you

Waiting no more, I go on as this moment is through


Dom*Colucci 2010

My love grows deep within*


My love grows deep within*


For I cannot touch this feeling inside

But it is the Soul* that makes me confide

A strong emotion that Loves me within

To keep me satisfied where I always begin

This trusted bond that we have together

Is the way we mesh and our love forever


Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Sunshine, let us see*


Sunshine, let us see*


Sun blares in, it is a new dawn

Crying out the light freshly born

Rolling around in the heavens so free

Shedding this light for all to see

Let us all bring in the light in a happy way

Making a wonderful statement as it stays


Dom*Colucci 2010

Time to take to the air*


Time to take to the air*


Birds of a feather flies together

As the geese finally know what is the weather

Sitting here for the longest spell

Awaiting  on the pond and for time to tell

Finally a bit of coolness and a little chill

These geese are outta here now, no longer sitting still


Dom*Colucci 2010

Real not reality*


Real not reality*


Where do I be, when nothing is here?

Is this the reality of being crystal clear?

Does one advance anymore than this?

There is no more in life that can be missed

So the reality that once was played is gone

Now that part of life no longer exists, it's done!


Dom*Colucci 2010

Liberated mask*


Liberated mask*


Wall of rock, pillar of stone

Sitting here peacefully all alone

Perfect with one inside so near

Nothing within that can be more crystal clear

Mantra of all seeing what this is to be

Pointing back at the one who has come to be free


Dom*Colucci 2010

Forever to be never*


Forever to be never*


No longer it is, it fizzles away

No attachment at all, it does not stay

No ideas, no mind or thoughts to be

Helpless being lonely one can see

But the flip side of it all, one will jump

Forever is gone, it is now over the hump


Dom*Colucci 2010

Round and round*


Round and round*


Walking on the path with the wind

Watching an maple leaf take its spin

Blowing like a pinwheel going around

Cartwheeling itself without a sound

Never seeing where it will ever end

It starts when it wants to, with the wind to say when


Dom*Colucci 2010

Light will become colorful*


Light will become colorful*


Cloud to disperse one molecule at a time

The mist is disappearing as this to be fine

It clings to a vapor that has not been seen

It blends with total nothingness which is in between

But the dew is thinned and no longer grows

The mist of the cloud now turns into a rainbow


Dom*Colucci 2010

Old friend knows no end*


Old friend knows no end*


Coming back around this time again

You are the same that I knew you back then

Come in as you once guided me in all

From undesired situations big and small

Yes I now feel the comfort with both of us

You are the being that created me that I trust


Dom*Colucci 2010

Frozen in time*


Frozen in time*


The walk along the river path

The water is frozen, I see its wrath

No life around but me at will

No movement at all, life stands still

Cold and gray as it feels like death

Even when I blow it freezes my breath


Dom*Colucci 2010

Cold winter with warm heart*


Cold winter with warm heart*


A brisk cold day in the winter's light

But the sun is out I see it in sight

Keeping the frost and cold at bay

Warming all hearts with a clear brilliant day

Though it might seem a tad cool right Now

With all seasons that pass, this one is allowed


Dom*Colucci 2010

Sparrow's love from God*


Sparrow's love from God*


Oh sparrow with wings that fly

Seeing where you go with love in your eyes

Though the winter does take away somethings

But it is God's guidance that direction will bring

Happiness and freedom to fly all around

To take to the sky and never be bound


Dom*Colucci 2010

Opened already to go*


Opened already to go*


The path is open and now it is cleared

To make easy passage and ones to steer

Travel on this and the vastness is grand

To make one at ease right where they stand

Having this continuance of the journey so

The things to learn and to already know


Dom*Colucci 2010

Comfortably numb*


Comfortably numb*


Alone in this peace and calm

Atmosphere around me, feeling very warm

Sensation within grows from its will

Stems off of that so perfectly still

I am in the vibration to be

I sit in this Universe, comfortably me


Dom*Colucci 2010

Life all alone*


Life all alone*


No other in life can impose

This great feeling I am, I suppose

The center of all has just struck within

No longer this life on where to begin

It is the it inside that makes me evolve

As the chaotic world outside will always revolve


Dom*Colucci 2010





Why?...this question is stupid you see

There is no question that rules over me

I am the blend of the gap that is all around

My nature becomes more pure without a sound

So if you ask a question to me

I will tell you to look at yourself and you will be free


Dom*Colucci  © 2010

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stop that and this goes*

Stop that and this goes*

What have you done from the beginning to now
All that you have learned from acceptance and allowed
Like many that has come here to learn to exist
Find out without acceptance and becoming one to resist

But did you ever see a raging river stop as it goes out to the sea
Its violence rolling over itself but knows acceptance makes it free
So, with resistance what does one have to gain
In an awakened world balance will always remains

But how does one get to balance, harmony and peace
It has a self-realization within as thoughts begin to cease
And a lot has to with an ego with multiple attached desires
Because of this in attachment it pulls you in like the muck and mire 

That is why to this day the world is not on course
It is living outside itself not connected to source
Maybe one day it will not wish to be always on top
But instead make its wheel of suffering finally stop

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Truth just "happens" to be a visitor*

Truth just "happens" to be a visitor*

 I am only one in the middle of here

To the vastness of space and within so near

To know of nothing but need not to say

The form of detachment for this is the way

In its notice of the cosmos around

All is in connection back here on this ground

The texture of what I indulge in is this void in space

How liberating of being to be in this place

I have had an epiphany, and it goes from point A to B

All that has entered my life at the same time has let go to be free

So, with this epiphany from the start of this root

I as we all are, just visiting into eternity as this is the truth

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Flat is that, but this exists*

Flat is that, but this exists*

Take a good look into space

What does one see from this place?

It may look like a 3D reality in its scene

But is not real if you know what this means

When I stare into it, in a gaze

Mesmerizing in evaporation in this daze

I begin to see that dimension is not right

On how shadows form on objects into the light

The more I observe even though shadows seem clear

Going deeper I see flatness in sight from here

For the only dimension that I see is what I touch

I cannot vouch beyond these eyes in validity to that as much

Hence when I enter any scenario my being exists

With this notion that I just know that I don't resist

Then I can truly say what is external will always be flat

Until the moment I touch this then that will be that

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Where you are, is aware*

Where you are, is aware*

 A word that seems to be pretty fair

That word sends out the frequency from here to there

It tells you from feelings in travelling to where

That word is simply known as being aware

But did you ever see that it turns back into itself

Like from another reach going onto the shelf

Becoming of its own knowing from its knowing

And not seeing what is out there but inside here it is showing

From this we can "see" who we really are

Just being that being and not observing very far

This point that we do see this we are awakened you see

And know of the who which is you,  the you within me

Dom*Colucci © 2024

The heart knows all about you*

The heart knows all about you* 

All my life I was told to yearn

A hunger and a passion for me to learn

Many trials came along up and down

I seem to have beat them as they go round and round

But the older I got a bit more mature and wise

I have noticed something about them to my surprise

I have found out and like a joke with a bit of laughter

From all that I did learn it did not matter

Why? because of this thing called an awakening simple and true

Somehow all the long it always seemed to knew 

Like I have been here as it seen me from before

I have learned to let go so I could see some more

And I did and now I just watch into space

And see how all things in my life fall into place

Yes I have noticed from this, backwards we were taught

Because in those teachings that life was made to be sought

But now I know of this freedom and no longer bound

Yes my life loses its KARMA from going round and round

So for now I observe all things in awareness instead

As I use my heart in the following and not what is in my head

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Suffering "touches" all*

Suffering "touches" all* 

Once upon a time so long ago

A creator came along in something it just knows

A void sat around and got plump and fat

But that void did not last and that is that

So, with this void there was a tone of light

Might of it all opposite was the night

From that to which came of many other things

Fish in the ocean and birds sky high to sing

All was a huge harvest that kept all in psynchronistic pleasure

Something that was a masterpiece it was a heavenly treasure

Now this being was bored and wanted to be an image of real

Smack dab in the middle of it all with a heart to feel

Yes, it was its love that made everything in its surround

It was the tree of life on solid ground

But there was another opposite with sinister delight

Temptation to prove what was wrong and what was right

Its opposite came with a partner to be

To be and share as one, a place eternally

But a voice came along, and it listened not to resist

Making it to dominate while it exists

So, what was told was not to touch

It could be one consistently and of all so much

But it did not listen in this case disobeyed

Now the veil was set around this image now its ego it portrayed

And because of this disobedience the world became the wheel

SOUL* was hidden, ego became master and the heart it doth steal

So, a long journey came along many masters come and go

They had wisdom for the many but the many did not know

Only certain few to this day from those masters it did make

Yes, only the few "in" the world not "of" it", do awake

And when that day comes and breaking free from the ego's pardon

Another leaves the illusionary matrix and enters the beginnings garden

With me telling this story in my own version that I see

That many will still follow only a few will be free

It is because of conditioning in attachments they desire as such

But to the enlightened beings they will leave that world alone without touch

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...