Monday, February 15, 2010

Say sit to a dog, she will*

Say sit to a dog, she will*

The door opens wide and someone is here
It is my sister and her dog, aren't they so dear
The dog is happy to see me once again
As I gave her a bone as she knew back then
So they both come in and relax to sit
My sister's dog in the chair as she sits to fit

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. Dearest soulbro,

    My pet misha was like that, she always sat on the chair or sofa, only when it was too hot she sprawled on the floor, otherwise..

    With lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..I was just thinking of your pet Misha,Spitz correct?.. last week when you brought her up on intent awhile I remembered...enjoy my Love(+)


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