Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nothing is here, do you see it?*

Nothing is here, do you see it?*

Oh great volume with it nestled in the sky
Many things of illusionary substance, these fly by
The vastness of nothingness and there is no more
The many levels of Consciousness opens all the doors
But what is left as it already has been done
This is the One always that has never ever begun

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. "This is the One always that has never ever begun"...and yet the One shall never ever end! You leave much food for thought in all of your words. I must ponder on.

  2. Presize observation, Dom. What has never begun yet, is what keeps us living through all calamities of our lives. We, the humans, are curious bz the nature and always want to know what will follow.

    You probed deep into the mistery of why people continue to live despite any logic. Probably,you have come across that logic.
    I surrender.

  3. wow! it appears like words of ancient sages.

  4. Thanks Suzicate....yes it is being transferred from the Soul and then back out into the Consciousness in the Universe that gave it to the Soul for me to all these works are made by the Soul and I am just the conduit to write it down and let others see....enjoy always(+)

  5. Thanks Jingle...the meditations surely put you in a calm state in stillness and the brain becomes much more relaxed to have deeper thoughts with all that is within....enjoy as well(+)

  6. My Dearest Shiamala....I surrender as well as there is nowhere else to be as the Soul already is so it becomes the being I blend took many years of letting go but did so much back in October 2007 as it is irrelevant Now and the only thing that matters is much bigger the void truly does get...enjoy as well(+)

  7. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I knew you would love this piece...just think all that is is also all that is DONE as matter what it is...the thing that matters is the being which is the Soul and knows the best route for the all of us and it is effortless as well...enjoy always(+)

  8. these words were spoken by ancient hindu sages so many time. it only shows how much you have risen above most of us.

  9. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I first of all thank you for these kindest and heart warming Soul Zen Brother @run formerly from intent Now on facebook when I write my insights there he finds passages from possibly the Gita or Hindu passages that almost mirror in what I write and Now I see this in what you just wrote and lately I have seen visions of Goddess Durga in my third eye....enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...