Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yes sir, I am here!*

Yes sir, I am here!*

The hole I walk in as it shows me the way
I pop in this oblivion to make sure this stays
I follow my nose as this is leading always here
Closer and closer the present pulls itself near
I have slipped in the reality of ONE WILL
This is what keeps me in the moment very still

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. dearest soulbro,
    lovely. you are truly blessed.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..thank you very much as I give gratitude to my Soul each and every moment in my life to have thsi great life I relish it always...enjoy as well(+)


    Meme participation awards,
    Sorry for being late.
    It takes me days to have everyone notified!

  4. Jingle...that is OK will check out the website..I have been really busy as well...enjoy and Happy Monday to you as well(+)


Where were you when I was always here?*

Where were you when I was always here?*   Who are and where did you come from? Are you of duality or from the Source of one? Does your consc...