Friday, October 15, 2010

The Awakening*

The Awakening*

Where did this Awareness come from as IT built IT-self to be? IT knows of this direction as to become as IT awaits patiently sitting in fertile sealed embryo awaiting ITS Consciousness to grow. But this fertile seed has been here before and knows the route on which to take as the last incarnation did not see what IT had in store for IT so the physical body became dead and dormant as the mask of ignorance had shrouded it like the others before it. In the meantime this great possibility became and rested in a ocean of placenta, meditating in ITS world of comfort. IT became of balance and was always levitating in the sac as in tandem was ITS mother nurturing this being to be. So we begin with balance and the being one day becoming upright. As an acorn has the same incarnation as the human being both came from Awareness to be and settled within the darkness in comfort. 

The being was then developed no longer to stay in the mother's comfort as well as the acorn so a journey ensued. This journey for the being was of happiness and wonder as the parents seen fit of this for growth and expansion but there was something looming out there as in the case a test or trial. While the being was growing up it seemed that it found another path of temptation to take against ITS best wishes but through this all IT made sure the being was carried from its suffering. As much as the being knew of a better life it asked many questions on this or that and became lost in its own suffering. But the analogy of this suffering came with how the dirt that was thrown at it was nurturing the Soul within as likewise the acorn that found solace in a dirt pile decided to grow in what it was meant to be, an oak tree. Blanketed by the dirt that surrounded not only the being but the acorn as well, growth was coming from both.

In the arrival of both things the shells or seed covers were about to burst wide open as the so much pain through the trials of the human being were forcing IT-self to finally change ITS Awareness and Now seen ITS potential in Soul. The acorn did the same but became of its balance as its foundation was Now set in place to be an oak tree. So one root came out emanating itself to be stronger as it knew of another as well on its way. The correlation of the human being was to drop all it was attached to and allowing by letting go the Universe to take care of the human as it was always meant to be. So Now on the road from balance both are creating foundation and balance of symmetry to grow from.

The roots the acorn it was making, was going through the motions effortlessly as the human being discovered that when one drops all things in one's life, as where is it anyways, you are not a Siamese twin of it or an attachment like on the side of a vacuum cleaner. No you are a Soul with the potential to create art of who you are and make light of all moments in balance and production of your own Source. This acorn knew of what it was looking like just by the roots it was creating as so below is so above, for a mirrored image of symmetry was being developed of itself. The human being was starting to give shape of who IT was looking like as IT became more and more attracted to IT-self with self doing the same thing as in a mirrored copy of IT-self. So due to its suffering it found out that IT took real good care of the being and Now achieving who both are Now are becoming. As the oak tree is still in growth so is the human being growing within ever so as Now ITS reality has seen the change the Soul has longed to see. The Soul Now knows IT does not have to come back here again as both meshed and have known that the present moment was always there which is here for both. The being and its Soul have become the moment of balance as nothing lost or nothing gained really mattered as this is finally life to be put in that present moment. The oak tree did the same from its growth and Now was that same potential it knew about in the seed it use to be.

So Now the human was Awakened from a dream that was of no value in a belief system that hindered it all the long as the oak tree grew rapidly as well. Both tree and human stayed in the moment and never deviated from that horror that once was ensued but was ITS blanket of nourishment to become stronger through each moment IT went through. This is balance in the present as all things around balance drops to the zero point field all becomes non resistant as well and needs nothing more than IT-self to sustain like the oak tree that was created as well. This is the Now, this is balance of the present moment, this ends all suffering completely as Human has found the Soul that always knew about this place through so many realities before IT.

I hope you enjoyed in what I see in Soul and balance as this is the present moment and wipes away the Laws of Attraction for good in a Awakening Consciously. The Laws of Attraction are a gimmick of keeping you in a subconscious belief system as this keeps you in the shell you keep looking for something outside yourself with but when you are Consciously Awakened you are of balance and no longer sees causes and conditions with this Laws of Attraction.

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. Hello, Dom!
    This is a beautiful post, for me especially this:

    But the analogy of this suffering came with how the dirt that was thrown at it was nurturing the Soul within as likewise the acorn that found solace in a dirt pile decided to grow in what it was meant to be, an oak tree. Blanketed by the dirt that surrounded not only the being but the acorn as well, growth was coming from both.

    You've created a wonderful working image here, thank you for allowing the sharings to come through. Happy germination!

    :) Blessings


  2. very beautifully explained soulbro. Very thought provoking and wise.

    lots of love.


  3. Thanks my Dearest Carmela Blue for liking the post on how I view an Awakening and yes it will be happy germanation as well(+)

  4. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love for liking the post as well..yes it is very thought provoking as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...