Sunday, October 10, 2010

Passion in heart*

Passion in heart*

Not a tear will be shed with so much sorrow
For many seek heart in promised tomorrows
But it is the Love that makes the heart grow fonder
The feeling of weakness turns around and becomes stronger
The embrace of a cool breeze that comes from a kiss
Longs for more loving passion as romance is this

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. so very true. just lovely.

    lots of love.

  2. Lovely words here My Friend.. Thanks for sharing.. :D
    Happy Monday

    Greetings, friend! How r u?
    I sincerely invite you to join us for a Monday Poetry Potluck party, bring in 1 to 3 poems to share, let our fellow poets read and encourage your creative work, and have fun reading other poets from our list and discover fresh friendship as well!
    This is only once a week opportunity, your talent and hard work deserve attention, I encourage you to sign in and follow our blog so that you get the most updated information about our other features….
    Hurry up, the more you share, the happier we are.
    Hope to see you at our party soon!
    to link in, click on the link via this comment from above, then look at the blue link button at the end of the post, click on the button, have your poem link copy and pasted in the first box, then enter your name, then, your email address...let us know if you need help by leaving a comment under the same post...

  3. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love for liking the romantic poem on how a romantic kiss can be there as well(+)

  4. thanks Jingle will try it and see..and thanks for liking the poem as well...enjoy and Happy Monday to you(+)

  5. Glad to see you in,

    if you link in specific poems, then others could read more of your poetry...
    thanks for the support.

    your poems are always thought provoking.

  6. Sure thing my Dearest Jingle...had to go back before and see the others that commented me a couple of weeks ago...hopefully get over to their sites as well...enjoy(+)


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