Friday, October 29, 2010

The taste of Love*

The taste of Love*

Love was created from heart, it has begun
This heart searches and finds the other to be one
Passion of both seem to come alive and free
Like two little sparrows flying from tree to tree
Togetherness always in Loving embrace
Moving forward in Love in a delightful taste

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. The heart embraces
    with endless fulfillment

    The heart faces
    the bliss of enthralment

    The heart is at rest
    knowing it holds this taste to it's chest :)

    love from the heartphone

  2. you sure know how to get to a man's heart..from the heart phone as well...thanks for the lovely poetic response my Dearest Mieke(+)

  3. When feminine and masculine
    are firmly nested in the heart
    IT will give humanity the much needed jumpstart
    for finding solutions that are no longer taken apart
    With the head OR with the heart

    Both working together
    Straight ahead
    creating the much wanted weather
    we are waiting for
    To guide us all to the Land of Lore

    This is what this heartphone is aiming for :)

  4. love certainly springs forth from heart.

    lots of love

  5. Mieke, whatever you create, comes from my heart. I thank the Universe for walking parallel paths with you, my dear,

  6. Thanks God, I have tasted love in this life... And how happy I am!

  7. all of heart is of Love and this is where it is felt so greatly...thanks my Dearest Shiamala for being so happy as well(+)

  8. yes my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love...I feel tenderness from it always in Love(+)

  9. Hello dear Shiamala,

    Thanks a lot :)
    having experienced the love of God

    Am making it visible in 3D virtual reality
    and up till now this has given my life
    so much quality
    in the reality
    of every day

    Am now backi into this hobby totally
    as the ever learning student :)
    going to build a character from my heart
    the Androgyn type lol

    And am sure it will become
    a beautiful reality

    Love to you and all
    from the heart(phone)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...