Monday, January 24, 2011

Freedom of heart in Love*

Freedom in heart of Love*

Oh heart left in the desert's sand
To hold onto love, I watch it leave my hands
I will never get ahead in this progress
Love is in freedom and not to possess
Please love, understand me as I will
Remain in giving freedom to your heart, the one I fill

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. I know the perfect answer to this as I experience it today. Do not take my poetic words too seriously :)

    How beautiful is freedom in heart
    giving the recognition of living, apart

    Bringing rest in a stormy weather

    Recognizing each One on it's own
    The Golden Future

    Not of being alone
    but being apart, in worthy-ness

    Acknowledgement of this
    gives happiness

    Only my special experience :)

  2. beautiful one.


  3. My Dearest Mieke..very beautifully it is balance that Love gives and receives more of...just think what I just is that balance that growth does occur as well....Love can never be dominated over by possessing it....enjoy as well....and thanks for your kindest words(+)

  4. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love for enjoying the poem...I got inspired by a song this morning about a desert and how it went through someone's hands..I think it was Jackie Blue by Ozark Mountain Daredevils(+)

  5. Dear Dom: The desert has always held a vast fascination for my heart. Don't know why. Your poems bring out the inspirational tweety-birds!Always can read through these zen-like in their clean delineations. As profound as these visions are to me because they envelope my heart with love and make me live again.

  6. I am so glad you Loved it chiccoreal... in balance we have to let go to get more of as we can never possess Love as even ourselves we do not own...i am glad for the tweety bird feeling as well...hehehehe....I put you in my to follow your blogs as well...thanks for stopping by and thanks for being my warm friend on facebook....enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...