Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Romance with a breeze*

Romance with a breeze*

Taking a break by the willow tree
Feeling the warmth subside and the shade to be
You sit down on the ground with your flowing dress
Gentle cool breezes of the wind as you rest
But we shall gaze with our love into both our eyes
And watch time fly past us in the afternoon skies

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. wonderfully created romaniticism.

    lots of love

  2. thanks as we have a willow tree a few miles down the road as I stemmed off that in doing so....enjoy as well Golden Lotus of God's Love(+)


I finally got the point!*

I finally got the point!*  Have you ever noticed where you stand?  Casting your eyes outward across the land Now you come across an epiphany...