I await with this love for you*
I wait here for you in the afternoon
My heart is happy in seeing you soon
I feel our passion is deep within
To hold you in my arms once again
Darling you are the love for me
But I will sit and wait for you patiently
Dom*Colucci 2011
beautiful. just loved it.
Patience is a virtue especiually when one is in Love...enjoy Golden Lotus of God's Love(+)
Dear Dom: I am so glad the waiting isover as it is abit too much at times. Indeed you have the patience of Job and I have the need Maybe the twain will meet one day..and let me have a go at you!! As you know, these energies; you know...how to hold on and wait for eternity to come but I'll do this for you my love for me. I adore you TOTALLY your LOVE YOUR POETRY! Makes me melt and then get reformed into that tweetybird on your shoulder. Oh to be that Love! The heart of a hopeless romantic...and how!