Monday, January 24, 2011

Sharing each other's Love happily*

Sharing each other's love happily*

Oh my Love, my precious Love, who brings forth the day
Entering my heart with sunshine, a feeling that will stay
You are the love of my life with joy bursting at the seams
Awakening all the slumber from my deepest darkest dreams 
I have so much love for you I can offer as I can give
Each moment more happier sharing for both of us to live

Dom*Colucci 2010


  1. The Poet, His Poems and the Poetry

    The Poet, this Poet
    Do you know who he is?
    Where did he come from
    With his conical chalice?

    He comes from the mountains
    With Love pouring down,
    Conveying Sun's messages
    Celebrating Love's Dawn.

    He sees in the Ocean
    He sees in the Moon
    It is the Creator
    Who granted him this boon.

    He sees Loves ripples
    Constituting our lives
    His vision's value tripples
    As it reaches us.

    What he sees in the Source
    He never enjoys alone
    He leaves his discourse
    For our awernesess to join

    He shares the process
    Of writing his poems
    For a journey in vastness
    We are invited always

    Only then, when we follow
    He gets satisfaction
    Knowing our hearts are not hollow,
    Filled with love and affection.

    Only then he rejoices
    In his beautiful kingdom,
    When we see in the Source
    Him, the Poetry and his poems.

  2. For a mere bit of suffering in my life
    It was in torment and hate with strife
    But I pulled myself with Soul to get through
    I did my best with my heart so True

    I went about in my life in still hitting the bumps
    Still new a little more with my lumps
    The Soul said enough is enough
    It is time for this one in Consciousness to get tough

    The one day it happened I turned it around
    I hear one hand clapping without a sound
    So the inner voice came in proper saying this is ZEN
    I was given a chance to once do it again

    So Now it is like Souls like you
    That I appreciate all in Love what I go through
    Many a journey later as this has passed
    I know forever that this Love in Life will last

    I really enjoyed your poem and your Love for me too Love and I thank you for doing this to me...I had to add on a poem for you in great gest as well..I had tocry too...I Love You..enjoy(+)

  3. terrific trio. :)


  4. Beautiful poem dearest Shiamala :)

    All good things always comes in three
    experiencing this all the time

    So happy it happened here as I see

    Love from the heartphone in eternity


  5. Congratulations lol and celebrations :)

    Am really getting old!

  6. My dearest Dominic,

    How I do enjoy your poetry
    Touching my heart in all its simplicity
    You know I always will appreciate
    The beauty of this poetic inter-activity
    Given to us from the core of our Soul
    Thanks always for this beautiful expression
    of Being so Whole


  7. My Love my Love it is fairest to say
    That I am happy you come by to stay
    I give such great happy feelings in charm
    And hope to make that heart feel warm
    So please come by more often to see
    In my heart you will always be

    enjoy Love and thanks...Love ya alwyas(+)

  8. Thanks sweet heart
    I will give it a try
    as long as my poetic
    inspiration is this high
    oh My



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