Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hurt of heart back to Love*

Hurt of heart back to Love*

Lost in heart, all befuddled and betwixt
Cause in undesire made in this mix
Sorry feeling as there is a sense of loss
Seems it ruined everything at such a terrible cost
But the feeling will grow, like it did once again
Love will open this heart as it did when it began

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. I feel what you feel
    so deeply
    Yet any loss can also be
    the beginning of a great Memory
    In which that what was seemingly lost
    Is the winning of deep understanding
    Which is the first step to mending
    it all in the love of the heart
    that always shows us
    we will never ever be apart :)

  2. that is soooo correct..we will never be apart ever...i am always here for you whenever you call me I will be there...enjoy Love always(+)

  3. Dear Dom: I am so glad I do not have to hear any more sad songs about unrequitted love! Whenever I do hear these songs I change the channel because I do not want to feel that love is not possible in my life.
    The message from some songs really negates heart feelings, as heart-feelings are so ULTRA-sensitive, and tend to retreat quickly into hidden and safe places in the soul and cannot come back alive so easily.
    Similarily, I have noticed here, in your poem; "Hurt of heart back to Love" not only bring me back to LOVE to the place I WANT TO BE..where there is much ACCEPTANCE, HAPPINESS, and hope that Love truly never dies!
    We all need this! This Divine the UNION of ACTIVE and ALIVE LOVE..THANK-YOU DOM!!!
    YES, there are some people who really NEED to know LOVE will never be defeated! And how love sometimes brings people down because they feel cheated by love, etc. The need for love is great and when we find it again we can do SO MUCH MORE than when we feel empty or drained by relationships that get us to feel "does love exist?" because this happened to me?
    So all those who feel let-down in a relationship, where love was once present and then cruelly pulled away from them, this is for them (and me).
    We can reattach to the loving place; there are "heart" surgeons like Dom who are helping to do this; by showing that Love isn't missing, it just needs to be reactivated with Love.
    Thank-you Dom from the bottom of my heart for your amazing poems that make idealized love real for all of us! :)

  4. you are so welcome my this has happened to me but I recognized what happened and was able to turn it around so quickly as I was the one who was hurting and not the individual in this it was seen and taken care of the Soul wishes no hurt feelings in Love ever..I Love your comments as and yes I can also be the heart surgeon to bring back such Love for all involved...thanks and enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...