Thursday, December 15, 2011

Colorful Love*

Colorful Love*

Life of velvet velour to touch
Heart of gold, I Love so much
Radiant red rose I see in my eyes
No gray clouds in those blue skies
Green with envy, my heart for thee
The Love of my angel, white purity

Dom* Colucci 2011


  1. a beautiful poem expressing myriad hues of love. simply gorgeous.

    i wanted to know something, can you help me? how did you get the copyright of your works? especially those you already published in blogs or intent?

    i am trying to get some writing jobs but they are asking me to first get the copyright of my works.

    this is where i am absolutely ignorant!

    SOS :)

    lots of love.

  2. I am so glad you like this and I also see you received my book as get a copyright from here it is already copyrighted when you put it out here in the public as this website and I believe yours copyrights all your works when you create them as you are the author of your own not quote me on this but I got this info from the help section on this blogsite and Gayle told me as far as the that message on top it is only my insurance what people do not see what blogger tells me...I got this off Gayle's blogsite and filled in the gaps with my own material as there should be a copy and paste to your html box in your design...check with Gayle....but the books I went to the US Copyright Office in DC to make it more a solid case to stand on...enjoy...I wish we could talk on the phone...I Love You and always will(+)

  3. remember the debunked I use to belong to that you told me to get a scan disk and store all my poems on it...well back then intent got 35 out of the 75 I had....every time I made a poem no matter how bad it was or what not, it got copyrighted....;)xoxoxo---{--@

  4. so i will have to look for some copy right office in india, do they guide you about the things you will have to do?


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...